How To Calm Down A Kitten

Ultimate Guide On How To Calm A Kitten Down

Kittens are bundles of energy, especially when first arriving home. Their hyperactivity is normal but can be overwhelming. While kittens tend to calm down around 6 months, cat owners can ease this transition. Consider more playtime, vet visits, food puzzles, training and proper diet.

Start by understanding the causes behind the hyperbehavior, then create a safe, relaxing environment. With patience and these tips, you can help your energetic little furball settle into a calmer routine.

Key Takeaways

  • Regular playtime helps calm down a hyperactive kitten.
  • Regular vet visits can alleviate fear and daily anxiety in kittens.
  • A behavior audit can identify underlying issues causing hyperactivity in kittens.
  • Interactive play with toys redirects energy and promotes calmer behavior.
  • Food puzzles stimulate your kitten’s mind and prevent boredom.
  • Clicker training calms down a hyperactive kitten while strengthening the bond.
  • Uselaser training cautiously to prevent harm or stress to your kitten.
  • A dedicated space for your kitten helps them unwind and feel secure.
  • Avoid using your hands and feet during playtime to discourage biting and constant scratching.
  • Mimicking hunting instincts through playtime provides a mental workout.
how to calm a kitten down
how to calm a kitten down

Why Is My Kitten Hyperactive?

Kittens have a lot of energy. They love to run, jump, and play all the time. This is normal for them. Sometimes, kittens become hyperactive because they lack time to play or use energy.

Other times, it might be due to their diet. Just like kids overeating candy can act wild, so can kittens if they eat the wrong food. 

Hunting instincts also result in a crazy kitten. Kittens in the wild need high levels of energy for hunting. Classical music might help your kitten calm down if fear makes them hyperactive. 

Moving to a new home can make kittens scared and unsure. Soothing cat music will comfort them and bring peace into their small world.

Tips For How To Calm A Kitten Down

Create a regular playtime schedule to help burn off excessive energy. Regular basis vet visits and training based on their aggressive behavior can be beneficial. 

Create A Regular Playtime

Playtime should be a key part of your kitten’s day. This helps your small pet to calm down. It helps use up their boundless kitten energy. Try slow, soft moves when you play with your kitten.

This can make them feel more relaxed after being active. Having fun together helps manage a kitten who is too busy and bouncing around too much! 

Ensuring time for play in the daily routine will keep your kitten nice and calm. After they have finished playing, give them delicious kitten food. This also helps them settle down.

Visit the Vet

Going to the vet can calm your average kitten down. The vet knows a lot about kittens. They can see if something is wrong with your pet. They use tools to check its health condition and give advice.

Vets also have special things that make cats feel at ease, like calming pheromones for their carriers. These items help lower a cat’s fear during visits. 

Complete A Behavior Audit

To help calm down a hyperactive kitten, complete a behavior audit. This involves assessing the kitten’s unwanted behaviors and looking for underlying issues causing their hyperactivity. 

Here are some steps to follow during a behavior audit:

  1. Observe the kitten’s daily routines and activities.
  2. Note any patterns of hyperactivity or triggers in their compulsive behaviors.
  3. Assess the kitten’s environment for potential stressors or disturbances.
  4. Look for signs of discomfort or pain contributing to their negative behavior.
  5. Consider any recent changes in the kitten’s life that may have affected their erratic behavior.

Play, Play, Play!

Playing with your hyperactive kitten helps them calm down. Kittens have lots of energy, and playing helps them burn it off constructively. 

It also provides mental stimulation and helps them learn important hunting skills. Use interactive toys like wand toys, crinkle balls, or feathers on a string to engage your kitten in playtime. 

This will redirect their energy and keep them entertained. Do not use your hands or feet as playthings. This can teach the kitten that biting and scratching are okay during playtime.

how to calm down a kitten
how to calm down a kitten

Engage In Interactive Play

Engaging in interactive play is a great way to calm a hyper kitten down. This means playing with toys and actively participating in their playtime. 

Interactive play helps kittens burn off excess energy and provides enhanced mental health. You can use toys like wands with feathers, LED laser pointers, or toy mice that mimic prey animals. 

Spend 10-15 minutes each session playing with your kitten. Ensure the environment is safe and free of potential hazards.

Stimulate Your Kitten With Food Puzzles

Food puzzles are a fun and engaging way to stimulate your kitten’s mind. These puzzles require your kitten to work for their food, which can provide both physical exercise and mental stimulation.

By hiding dry kibble or cat treats inside the puzzle, your kitten must figure out how to remove the food to eat it. This mimics their natural hunting instincts and slows their eating.

It prevents them from gobbling up their food too quickly. An animal enthusiast can find ready-made food puzzles at pet stores or make their own using cardboard boxes or other household items. 

Not only will these puzzles keep your kitten entertained, but also promote problem-solving skills and prevent boredom.

Try Clicker Training

Clicker training is a technique used to train adult cats and other pets. Here are steps to try clicker training with your hyperactive kitten:

  1. Get a clicker: Find a small device that makes a clicking sound, like a dog training clicker or even an ordinary pen.
  2. Introduce the clicker: Let your kitten get familiar with the clicker’s sound by clicking it and immediately giving them a treat. Repeat this several times.
  3. Associate the click with the reward: Click the device before giving your kitten an enticing treat. This will help them understand that the click means something good is coming.
  4. Start with simple commands: Select one basic command, like “sit” or “come,” and wait for your kitten to exhibit that behavior naturally. As soon as they do, click the device and give them a treat.
  5. Repeat and reinforce: Keep practicing the command. Click when your kitten performs correctly and offer rewards consistently.
  6. Gradually increase difficulty: Once your kitten understands the basics, you can add more complex commands or tricks.
  7. Stay patient and consistent: Be patient and offer positive reinforcement consistently during each training session.

Laser Training (But Use Caution)

Laser training can be an effective method when calming down a hyper kitten. However, use caution when using lasers with kittens. 

Using an LED laser or a toy with treats can decrease their energy levels and promote focus. It should be done carefully to prevent potential harm or stress to the kitten. 

Prioritize the safety and well-being of your pet during playtime.

Create A Kitten Space

To calm a hyperactive kitten, create a dedicated space just for them. This safe space should be peaceful and quiet, allowing the kitten to unwind and relax. 

Achieve this by providing a dimly lit area with a soft bedroom at night. They can retreat here when they need downtime. Enhance their relaxing environment by adding cat trees, window seats, and elevated beds.

They offer different levels of exploration and relaxation. These spaces not only provide comfort but also serve as enrichment opportunities for your kitten’s mental stimulation.

Don’t Use Your Hands And Feet

Don’t use your hands and feet to calm a hyperactive kitten during playtime. Instead, use toys to engage with them. 

Using your hands or feet can encourage the kitten to bite and scratch, reinforcing their hyperactivity. By using toys, you redirect their focus onto appropriate objects.

Mimic Their Hunting Instincts

Cats have an instinct to hunt, so incorporating playtime that mimics this behavior can calm a hyperactive kitten. Engaging in interactive play with wand toys allows them to stalk and pounce.

This imitates the hunting cycle and provides enhanced mental health. Providing toys that allow them to “hunt” their prey can make them happier and more satisfied. 

Puzzle feeders and toys that mimic hunting instincts can also enrich indoor cats.

how to calm kittens down
how to calm kittens down

Try Lots Of Different Toys

Providing your kitten with different toys can help calm them down. Interactive toys, like wand toys or puzzles, are great for reducing cat anxiety levels and promoting a sense of calmness.

Fishing rod toys with feathers or cloth on the end can engage their natural behaviors. Playing with different toys allows them to channel their energy.

Pattern Gray Robot Stuffed Toy, Upsky Turnable Toy Cat Balls, and Saolife Cat Laser Toy are among vital considerations. 

Gradually wind down playtime sessions to teach your kitten to calm down after an active play session.

Have A Warm Up And Cool Down

Having a warm-up and cool-down period is important when playing with your kitten. Before starting any playtime activities, spend some time gently stroking and petting your kitten.

This helps them transition from a resting state to an active one.

After the play session, incorporate a cool-down period as well. Gentler movements and interactions are suggested. Softly scratch their chin or give them gentle belly rubs.

This signals the kitten that it’s time to wind down and promotes relaxation.

Nutritious Meals To Develop Good Manners

Feeding your energetic kitten nutritious meals is healthy and develops good manners. Provide balanced and high-quality food for their growth and overall well-being.

Foods like chicken, sardines, turkey, tuna, and mackerel are excellent for kittens as they are rich in essential nutrients. Feed them cooked chicken instead of raw meat for safety.

Include adequate wet and dry cat food for proper eating habits and nutritious meals. Kitzy dry cat food and Purina Grain-Free Wet food are ideal options. 

An Outdoorsy Feel In Your Home Might Turn Them Calm

Creating an outdoorsy feel in your home can have a calming effect on your hyperactive kitten. You can incorporate indoor plants or a window perch with a view of the outdoors.

It will create a sense of tranquility for your furball. This natural environment for cats encourages reduced stress and provides environmental stimulation. 

Add some greenery or create a cozy spot by the window to give your kitten a peaceful and calm feeling.

Use Over-The-Counter (OTC) Calming Products

Over-the-counter calming products can soothe and relax hyperactive kittens. These products release calming pheromones, making your kitten feel more at ease.

Cats are sensitive to certain medications that may be safe for humans or dogs. Sedatives should never be given without proper guidance, as they can have side effects.

Short- and long-term over-the-counter anxiety medications are available specifically for cats. Cautiously provide different options depending on your kitten’s needs.

how to get kitten to calm down
how to get kitten to calm down

How To Optimise Your Kitty’s Energy Levels With Untamed

You can use Untamed products to optimize your kitty’s energy levels. Untamed offers a range of interactive toys and puzzles designed to keep your feline friend stimulated and engaged.

Bouncy balls to feather toys simulate destructive behaviors. They help satisfy your cat’s instincts and provide an outlet for their energy. 

Untamed toys have different features like lights and sounds that will capture your kitten attention and keep them entertained.

Steps In

Dealing with a Nervous Kitten? Gradually introduce them to new environments and stimuli, offering reassurance and positive reinforcement.

Dealing With A Nervous Kitten

If you have a nervous kitten, here are some tips to calm them down:

  1. Play calming sounds or soft cat music to help them relax.
  2. Get closer to the kitten’s level and allow them to come to you on their terms.
  3. Create safe and enjoyable environments for your kitten with hiding spots and cozy spaces.
  4. Provide an elevated bed or perch where they can feel safe and observe their surroundings.
  5. Talk to your kitten soothingly and avoid awkward movements that may startle them.
  6. Move slowly around your kitten to help them feel more comfortable in your presence.
  7. Offer treats or engage in activities while they are eating for positive, non-destructive ways.

Preparing For A Hyper Kitten

Preparing for a Hyper Kitten:

  1. Set up a safe, cozy vertical space where the kitten feels secure.
  2. Remove any potentially dangerous objects that the kitten may chew or swallow.
  3. Provide plenty of toys and scratching posts to keep the kitten entertained and prevent destructive behavior.
  4. Ensure all electrical cords and other hazards are out of reach or secured.
  5. Stock up on kitten essentials, like food, litter, and grooming supplies, before bringing the kitten home.
  6. Create a schedule for feeding, playtime, and litter box cleaning to establish a routine and structure.
  7. Use calming pheromone sprays or diffusers to relax the kitten in their new environment.
  8. Introduce the hyperactive kitten gradually to different areas of your home to prevent overwhelming them.
  9. Provide socialization opportunities with other pets or people in controlled and supervised settings.
  10. Be patient and understanding, as it may take time for the hyperactive kitten to adjust.
how to get a kitten to calm down
how to get a kitten to calm down


At What Age Do Kittens Calm Down?

Kittens start to calm down at around 6 months of age. Each kitten has a distinct personality, and the process may vary. By this time, they have usually passed their most active stage, which is between 4 and 6 months.

As they get older, typically between 8 and 11 months, you will notice a gradual decrease in hyperactivity. Remember that every kitten is different, so some may calm down earlier or later.

But rest assured, as your kitten grows and matures, their energy levels will stabilize.

Why Is My Kitten So Hyper And Biting?

Hyperactiveness is a natural behavior; kittens may seem excessively playful and prone to biting. This behavior is normal as kittens explore their surroundings and develop predatory skills.

They use playtime as a way to learn about the world around them. So, if you find your kitten hyperactive and biting, it’s their natural way of exploring and having fun!

How Do I Get My Kitten To Calm Down And Sleep?

You can try a few things to get your kitten to calm down and sleep. First, create a regular playtime schedule for your kitten during the day to burn off excess energy. 

You can also try playing relaxing cat music, creating a consistent routine of cuddling. Playing calming music before bedtime can also benefit.

Feeding your kitten before bed at night can help, too. It follows their instinct to eat, clean themselves, and sleep. 

Finally, providing mental and physical stimulation throughout the day tires them out so they sleep better at night.

Why Is My Kitten Biting Me?

Kittens bite pet owners for a few different reasons for kitten hyperactivity. Sometimes, they just play and don’t realize their biting hurts. Other times, they might be scared or agitated and bite to protect themselves.

Kittens also sometimes bite when teething and need something to chew on. Teach your kitten not to bite by providing appropriate toys and redirecting them when they get nippy.

With patience, consistent training, and plenty of attention, you can help your kitten learn not to bite you.

Does Catnip Calm A Cat?

Catnip is known to have a calming effect on cats. When cats sniff or chew catnip, it activates their brain’s “happy” receptors, making them feel relaxed and content. 

Not all cats are affected by catnip toys, as its sensitivity is genetic. While many cats find catnip calming and soothing, some may not react. 

If your healthy adult cat responds positively to catnip, you can use it to reduce stress and generalized anxiety.

Why Is My Kitten Running Around Like A Maniac?

If your kitten runs around like a maniac, they may have much energy to burn. Kittens have playful energy and are curious; sometimes, they just can’t contain excitement.

They may also be experiencing the “zoomies,” when cats suddenly burst into hyperactivity This is normal behavior for kittens and usually happens in short bursts.

It’s their way of releasing pent-up energy and having fun. 

How To Calm A Kitten Down At Night?

To calm a kitten down at night, ensure your kitten gets plenty of playtime to tire them out during the day. This will help reduce their energy levels at night.

You can also create a calm and comfortable sleeping space for your kitten, away from distractions or background noise. Keep the lights dim and provide soft bedding for them to relax in. 

Establish a bedtime routine by feeding your kitten their last meal before bed and engaging in quiet activities together.

Use calming products specifically designed for cats, like pheromone diffusers. Natural remedies like chamomile tea or lavender scents also create a soothing environment for your furry friend.

When Will My Kitten Calm Down And Stop Biting?

Kittens generally calm down and stop biting within their first year of life. The biting stage typically ends around six months of age, but it can vary from kitten to kitten. 

By age 8 to 11 months old, most kittens become less hyperactive and start to exhibit calmer behavior. Spaying or neutering your kitten speeds up this process as well. 

Every kitten is different, so some may take longer than others to calm down and stop biting. With time and proper training, your furry friend will grow out of these assertive behaviors!

How To Calm A Kitten Down In The Car?

Use a secure cat carrier to calm a kitten down in the car. This will make them feel safe and protected during the ride. 

Taking short drives can help identify triggers that make your kitten nervous so you can avoid them in the future. Limiting loud music or other stimuli that may upset your kitten is also helpful. 

If your kitten shows anxious behaviors during car rides or vet visits, consult a veterinarian about medication options like Gabapentin.

How To Calm A Kitten Down After Surgery?

After surgery, keeping your kitten calm and comfortable for proper healing is important. Reduce crunchy noises in the environment and provide a quiet space for them to rest. 

Avoid encouraging excessive activity, running, jumping, or playing, depending on the medical condition. Rest is crucial for healing, but each kitten’s attention-getting behavior may vary after surgery. 

Consult your veterinarian if you notice unusual changes or excessive activity based on your kitten’s distinctive personality. 

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