ragamuffin vs ragdoll

Ragamuffin Vs Ragdoll Cat: Which One Is For You?

Ragamuffins and Ragdolls are two large, gentle cat breeds that are often confused with each other. Both breeds have a long, soft coat, blue eyes, and a laid-back personality.

However, there are some key differences between the two breeds. Ragamuffins can have a wider variety of coat colors and patterns, while Ragdolls are limited to six colors and three patterns.

Ragamuffins are also slightly larger than Ragdolls and are more active and playful.

Coat colorVariedLimited to 6 colors
Coat patternVariedLimited to 3 patterns
SizeSlightly largerSlightly smaller
Activity levelMore activeMore laid-back
TemperamentGentle, affectionateGentle, docile

History and Origins of Ragdoll and Ragamuffin Cats

Ragdoll cats have a cool start. A lady named Ann Baker gets credit for this breed. Her cat Josephine is the first Ragdoll cat. California is where all of it happened.

Ragamuffin cats tell a different tale. Their history is not very clear. We know they split off from the Ragdoll Society, though. Many breeders worked on making this new type of cat.

ragamuffin vs ragdoll
ragamuffin vs ragdoll/credit: ao_sizuku

Differences Between Ragamuffin and Ragdoll Cats

Ragamuffin cats have a more rounded head shape, while Ragdolls have a flatter head shape.

Head Shape

Ragdoll cats have an oval-shaped head. The head is not round but more like an egg. This gives the Ragdoll a unique look among cat breeds.

On the other hand, Ragamuffins have heads shaped like walnuts.

They are more round, and this shape fits with their breed standard. So, if you want to tell if your cat is a Ragamuffin or a Ragdoll, just take a good look at its head!


Ragdolls have deep blue eyes. Their eyes are oval-shaped and stand out. Ragamuffins show off any eye color.

Their eyes are round and shaped like a walnut. Both cat breeds have big, bold eyes that immediately catch your attention!

Cat Size and Structure

Ragdolls and Ragamuffins are both big cats. Many weigh near 15 lbs. Ragdolls have a more sleek shape, while Ragamuffins look rounder in form.

Their fur is medium-long with fluffy tails, but the Ragamuffin’s coat mats are more challenging.

ragamuffin black ragdoll cat
ragamuffin black ragdoll cat/ credit: ragdoll_4u

Cat Personality

Ragdoll and Ragamuffin cats share similar sweet and docile personalities, making them excellent companions. Ragdolls are known for their affectionate nature and tendency to go limp when held.

They are calm and friendly cats that can get along well with children.

On the other hand, Ragamuffins are exceptionally patient and placid, making them a great choice for households with kids.

These cats have a quiet nature and are highly trainable. Both breeds also have a friendly disposition towards dogs, which makes them adaptable to multi-pet households.

Cat Price

Ragamuffins and Ragdolls are both lovely cat breeds, but there can be some differences in their prices. The price of a Ragamuffin or Ragdoll cat can vary depending on certain factors.

Generally, the cost of a Ragamuffin cat may range from around $800 to $1,500, while a purebred Ragdoll can cost between $800 and $2,500.

However, it’s important to note that prices may differ depending on the location and reputation of the breeder.

When considering the price of a cat, it’s essential to remember that reputable breeders invest a lot in breeding healthy cats with good temperaments and preserving breed standards.

This investment requires extensive care for the kittens and adult cats they raise.

Additionally, ongoing expenses like vet visits for health checks, vaccinations, feeding quality food suitable for each stage in life (such as raw food diets)

Also grooming requirements like regular combing to reduce shedding and keep their plush coats clean are all factored into the overall cost.

ragdoll vs ragamuffin
ragdoll vs ragamuffin/ credit: lions_cat_tabi

Comparing Ragdoll and Ragamuffin Cats

When comparing Ragdoll and Ragamuffin cats, there are several factors to consider.

Appearance: Ragamuffin vs. Ragdoll

Ragamuffins and Ragdolls have some noticeable differences in appearance. Regarding their eyes, Ragdolls have vivid blue, oval-shaped eyes that are pretty striking.

On the other hand, Ragamuffins can have any eye color, but they typically have more rounded eyes that resemble a walnut.

Regarding coat colors and patterns, Ragamuffins have more variety with lots of white mixed in, while Ragdolls have pointed coloring with darker faces, tails, legs, and ears.

Both breeds share medium-long coats with plumed tails, but Ragamuffin coats are known to be more resistant to matting.

Overall, both cats are beautiful in their unique way – just like every cat!

Temperament: Ragamuffin vs Ragdoll

Ragamuffins and Ragdolls have very similar temperaments. They are both known for their sweet and gentle nature, making them excellent family pets.

However, there are some slight differences in their personalities.

Ragamuffins tend to be even more patient and placid, which makes them a great choice for households with children.

On the other hand, Ragdolls are known for going limp when held, earning them the name “ragdoll.” Both breeds require plenty of love and attention from their owners.

ragamuffin black ragdoll cat
ragamuffin black ragdoll cat/ credit: ragdoll_4u

Lifespan: Ragamuffin vs. Ragdoll

Ragamuffin cats usually live longer than Ragdolls. On average, Ragamuffins can live for 15-18 years, while the lifespan of Ragdolls is around 9-15 years.

It’s important to note that these are just averages, and individual cat lifespans can vary.

Taking good care of your cat by providing a balanced diet, regular vet check-ups, and lots of love can help ensure they live a long and healthy life.

Shedding: Ragamuffin vs. Ragdoll

Ragamuffins and Ragdolls have different shedding tendencies. Ragamuffins have a plush coat that is more resistant to matting and shed less than Ragdolls.

On the other hand, Ragdolls have a silky coat that sheds more frequently.

It’s essential to groom both breeds regularly to prevent any matting or tangling of their fur. However, the Ragamuffin might be a better choice if you prefer a cat with minimal shedding.

Health and Care: Ragamuffin vs. Ragdoll

Ragamuffin and Ragdoll cats are generally healthy breeds with a few differences in their care needs.

Ragdolls are prone to heart disease, so regular vet checkups are essential to monitor their cardiac health.

On the other hand, Ragamuffins can be more susceptible to bladder stones and polycystic kidney disease. Hence, maintaining a balanced diet and proper hydration is vital for their urinary tract health.

Grooming-wise, both breeds have medium-long coats that require regular brushing to prevent matting, but Ragamuffin coats tend to be less prone to tangles.

Overall, providing proper nutrition, regular veterinary care, and giving them lots of love and attention will ensure the well-being of both these adorable cat breeds.

ragamuffin cat vs ragdoll
ragamuffin cat vs ragdoll/ credit: ann_and_maru

Ragamuffin or Ragdoll – Social and Family Compatibility

Ragamuffin and Ragdoll cats are known for their gentle and friendly personalities, making them great choices as family pets.

They enjoy the company of humans and get along well with children and other animals in the household.

Ragamuffins tend to be more social than Ragdolls, seeking out interaction and attention from their owners.

However, both breeds love to cuddle and will happily curl up on your lap or beside you on the couch.

So whether you choose a Ragamuffin or a Ragdoll, you can expect a loving and sociable companion that will bring joy to your family.

ragamuffin vs ragdoll
ragamuffin vs ragdoll/ credit: ragdoll_4u

Grooming and Maintenance Differences: Ragdoll and Ragamuffin Cats

Ragdolls and Ragamuffins have different grooming needs. Here are the main differences:

  • Ragamuffin coats are more resistant to matting compared to Ragdolls.
  • Both breeds require regular grooming, brushing, bathing, and nail trims.
  • Ragamuffin coats have more varied coloration with much white, while Ragdolls have pointed colors with darker faces, tails, legs, and ears.
  • Ragamuffins have a longer lifespan of 15-18 years, while Ragdolls live for about 9-15 years.
  • Both breeds have moderate exercise needs, but Ragamuffins require slightly less exercise.
  • Ragamuffins have an average weight of 10-20 pounds, while Ragdolls can weigh between 8-20 pounds.

Special Considerations for Each Breed: Ragdoll Cat and Ragamuffin

Ragdoll cats are known for their relaxed and gentle nature. They enjoy being held and cuddled, making them great companions for families and individuals seeking a calm and affectionate pet.

However, Ragdolls do require regular grooming to maintain their plush coat. Their fur is prone to matting, so brush them regularly.

On the other hand, Ragamuffin cats have a slightly more active temperament compared to Ragdolls. While they also have a friendly personality, they may be more outgoing and playful.

Ragamuffins have silky coats that don’t mat as quickly as the Ragdoll’s coat does.

When considering these breeds, it’s essential to consider your lifestyle and how much time you can dedicate to grooming or playtime with your cat.

Both breeds make lovely pets but slightly differ in personality traits and grooming requirements.

ragamuffin vs ragdoll
ragamuffin vs ragdoll/ credit: trr_rag306

FAQs about Ragdoll and Ragamuffin Cats

Do All Ragamuffin Cats Have Blue Eyes?

Ragamuffin cats do not all have blue eyes. While blue eyes are common in Ragamuffins, not every cat of this breed will have them. Ragamuffins can also have other eye colors, such as green or gold.

Are Ragamuffin Cats Talkative?

Ragamuffin cats are not known for being talkative. They have a calm and quiet nature, which means they don’t meow excessively or make a lot of noise.

Unlike some other breeds, Ragamuffins tend to be more reserved regarding vocalization.

The Ragamuffin might be the perfect choice if you’re looking for a cat that won’t keep you up at night with their chatter.

How Do I Tell If My Cat Is A Ragdoll Or A Ragamuffin?

To determine if your cat is a Ragdoll or a Ragamuffin, look at their eye color and coat pattern. Ragdolls have vivid blue eyes that are oval-shaped, while Ragamuffins can have more rounded eyes of any color, like a walnut.

Regarding the coat, Ragamuffins have more varied coloration with lots of white, while Ragdolls have pointed colors with darker faces, tails, legs, and ears.

Both breeds have medium-long coats with plumed tails, but Ragamuffin coats are more matting-resistant.

So, by looking at these physical characteristics, you can determine if your cat is a Ragdoll or a Ragamuffin.

Are Ragamuffin Cats Talkative?

Ragamuffin cats are generally not very talkative. They have a calm and quiet nature, which means they may not meow or make much noise compared to other breeds. However, each cat has a unique personality so some Ragamuffins may be more vocal than others.

Overall, if you’re looking for a cat that is not too chatty, the Ragamuffin breed might be a good fit for you.

Do Ragamuffins Like To Be Held?

Ragamuffins are known for their calm and affectionate nature, making them likely to enjoy being held. They have a patient and calm temperament, which makes them an excellent choice for households with children.

Their large size, broad chest, and short neck may contribute to their enjoyment of being held. Ragamuffins are also highly trainable, so positive reinforcement and affection can teach them to love being held even more.

So, if you’re looking for a cat that enjoys cuddling and being held close, the Ragamuffin breed might be the perfect choice!

How Do I Know If My Cat Is A Ragamuffin?

If you’re wondering if your cat is a Ragamuffin, there are a few things to look for. First, check the coat color and pattern. Ragamuffins have various colors and patterns, including lots of white.

Next, examine their size and body structure. Ragamuffins are generally large cats with broad chests. Finally, observe their personality traits. Ragamuffins are known for being sweet and docile, making them good family pets.

If your cat matches these characteristics, it could be a Ragamuffin!

Are Ragdoll And Ragamuffin Cats The Same?

No, Ragdoll and Ragamuffin cats are not the same. They are two distinct breeds with slight differences in their physical characteristics, temperament, and origins.

Ragdolls were created by a breeder named Ann Baker in California and are known for their sweet disposition and tendency to go limp when held.

On the other hand, Ragamuffins were created when breeders split off from the Ragdoll Society. While both breeds have beautiful coats and friendly personalities, there are subtle differences between them that make each breed unique.

For instance, Ragdolls have vivid blue eyes, while Ragamuffins can have any eye color.

What Two Breeds Make A Ragamuffin Cat?

The Ragamuffin cat breed results from two other breeds, the Ragdoll and Persian/Angora cats. Breeders split off from the Ragdoll Society to develop the Ragamuffin breed, which has distinct characteristics and traits.

These two parent breeds contribute to the Ragamuffin’s beautiful appearance and friendly personality that cat lovers adore.

What’s The Average Size Of Ragamuffin Cats?

Ragamuffin cats are known for their large size, often weighing around 15 pounds. They have a sturdy body structure with broad chests and rounded contours.

These big and beautiful cats have a presence that is hard to miss! Their plumed tails add to their charm and make them even more distinctive.

So, if you’re looking for a cat with some heft and stature, the Ragamuffin might be the perfect fit!

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