Do Ragdoll Cats Shed

Do Ragdoll Cats Shed? Learn How To Deal With It

A non-shedding Ragdoll cat is a myth. Ragdolls are long-haired cats and will indeed shed. Expect some hair around your home with Ragdolls. However, it can be effectively managed with a healthy diet and effective grooming. 

All breeds of cats shed from time to time, and it is a normal part of a pet’s cycle. Ragdoll cats have thick, luxurious coats that don’t shed excessively.

They may shed more during the hot weather than in colder months to keep cool. Unlike other breeds, Ragdoll hair falls in clumps and is easier to remove and sweep. Find below everything related to Ragdoll shedding for proper understanding. 

Do Ragdoll Cats Shed
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Ragdoll Shedding Decoded

The ragdoll shedding process is a common concern for cat owners. But does the Ragdoll breed sheds more than other cat breeds?

Do Ragdolls Shed More Than Other Cat Breeds?

Ragdoll cats shed, but not more than many other cat types. They have long, fluffy hair like American Bobtails and Siberians. But they lose less hair because they don’t have an abundant undercoat.

Short-haired cat breeds like Siamese or Sphynx will leave fewer hairs than Ragdolls. Still, these lovely pets do not shed too much compared to other fluffy cats.

Which Cats Shed The Least?

Sphynx cats shed the least. They may look bald but have a very thin layer of shorter hair. This makes them one of the low-shedding cat breeds.

Even though Ragdoll cats have silky coats, they don’t lose much hair like other feline breeds.

They lack a dense undercoat which keeps seasonal shedding in check. Regular grooming sessions keep their animal fur looking its best and reduce loose hairs further.

do ragdoll cats shed
do ragdoll cats shed

How Can I Stop My Ragdoll From Shedding?

Stopping your Ragdoll fuzzy friend from shedding is hard. But you can control it. Here are some ways to do that:

  1. Keep a regular grooming routine. This helps get rid of dead hair.
  2. Brush your Ragdoll cat often to remove excess hair.
  3. Give the feline friend baths now and then. This can make the coat of fur healthy.
  4. Feed your fuzzy friend a balanced diet for healthy hair growth.
  5. Ensure this active cat breed drinks plenty of cool water every day.
  6. Keep stress levels low for your pet, as stress can lead to more shedding.
  7. Check for health conditions that may cause extra shedding.
  8. Watch out for fleas that can cause heavy shedding.

Are Ragdolls Good For Allergies?

Ragdoll cats are not completely hypoallergenic but are considered good for people with allergies. Their fur coat has lower levels of allergens than other popular cat breeds.

The actual allergy culprit in Ragdolls is a protein called Fel d 1, and Ragdolls produce less of this protein. Individuals with severe allergies may still experience symptoms when exposed to Ragdoll cats.

Do Ragdolls Shed Dander?

Ragdoll cats shed dander, a common occurrence in this breed. Ragdolls can shed dander throughout the year, unlike cat breeds with seasonal shedding cycles.

Climate, diet, grooming routine, and overall health influence how much cat dander is shed.

Despite being low-shedding cats, Ragdolls produce dander due to their natural life cycle, stress or illness response, and genetic predisposition.

ragdoll cat shedding
ragdoll cat shedding

Why Do Ragdolls Shed A Lot?

Ragdolls shed a lot due to various factors. Diet, stress levels, pregnancy, age, parasites, lack of grooming, climate, genetics, and fleas are some.


What your ragdoll cat eats can greatly impact their shedding. A well-balanced diet is crucial for maintaining a healthy coat. Ensure they get all the nutrients they need from their food.

These nutrients play a role in optimal hair growth and overall coat condition.

Providing high-quality cat food that contains essential fatty acids. Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids can help reduce excessive shedding. 


Stress can cause excessive shedding in Ragdoll cats. When a cat’s normal routine is disrupted or they experience anxiety, it increases hair loss.

If your Ragdoll is shedding more than usual, it could be a sign of stress or underlying health issues.

Create a calm and stress-free environment for your feline friend to reduce shedding. Providing them with lovable human companionship, playtime, and a consistent routine can help.


During pregnancy, Ragdoll cats may experience increased shedding. This is because hormonal changes can affect their optimal hair growth.

They may shed more than usual. Providing proper grooming and care during this time helps manage the shedding.

Daily brushing removes loose hairs and keeps their outer coat healthy. Ensuring they have a high-protein diet and are hydrated can reduce excessive shedding during pregnancy.


Age is a factor that can affect the amount of shedding in Ragdoll cats. As they get older, these long-haired felines may shed more fur. This can be due to hormonal changes or age-related health issues.

The frequency and effectiveness of grooming can be affected by age, which impacts shedding. As your long-haired breed ages, keep an eye on their shedding and adjust their grooming routine.

do ragdolls shed
do ragdolls shed


Parasites can contribute to excessive shedding. Some common parasites that may affect their coat condition include fleas and ticks.

These pests can cause irritation and increase scratching, resulting in more hair loss. To prevent parasite infestation, regularly check your cat for signs of fleas or ticks and use appropriate preventive measures. 

Lack of Grooming

If you don’t groom your Ragdoll cat regularly, it can contribute to excessive shedding. Grooming removes loose Ragdoll hair and dead skin cells, keeping their coat pattern healthy.

Regular grooming sessions minimize shedding in long-haired Ragdolls.


The climate can affect how much your Ragdoll cat sheds. Ragdolls may shed more hair in warmer months and mild climates than the winter coat.

If you live in a place with hot weather, you may notice more loose hairs around your home. Regularly brush their coat structure to control light shedding and keep their fur looking healthy.


The genetics of Ragdolls can influence how much they shed. Each Ragdoll cat’s unique genetic makeup determines whether it will shed more or less.

These genetics contribute to the specific breed characteristics of Ragdolls

ragdoll shedding
ragdoll shedding

How To Reduce Your Ragdoll Cat’s Shedding?

To reduce your ragdoll cat’s shedding, regularly brush their coat structure and give them a warm bath once a month. Use fur removal brushes on fabrics, vacuum often, and provide a healthy diet.

Regularly Brush Your Ragdoll Cat’s Overcoat

Regularly brush your Ragdoll Cat’s overcoat to reduce shedding and manage the amount of fur around. Use a wide-toothed comb or pet-friendly types of brushes for this.

Brushing removes loose fur and prevents it from shedding around the house. Adding supplements or a healthy diet can also reduce shedding. 

Give Them Biscuits For A Shinier Coat

You can give Ragdolls biscuits specially formulated for their coat health to maintain a shinier coat. These biscuits contain nutrients that promote healthy hair growth and reduce shedding.

They can provide essential fatty acids contributing to silky hair and lustrous coat. 

Give Your Ragdoll Cat A Warm Bath At Least Once A Month

To help reduce shedding in your Ragdoll cat, give them a warm bath at least once a month. This can be beneficial in keeping their heavier coat type clean and healthy.

do ragdolls shed a lot
do ragdolls shed a lot

Use A Fur Removal Brush On Fabrics

There is a simple solution to keep your home free from cat hair. Use a fur removal brush on fabrics. This will remove loose hair attached to your furniture, carpets, or clothing.

Regularly using a fur removal brush can reduce the amount of cat hair on these surfaces. It’s an easy and effective way to keep your home looking clean and hair-free.

Place A Towel Where Your Ragdoll Sleeps

Placing a towel where your ragdoll sleeps can reduce shedding. Here’s how:

  • The towel can catch loose hair and prevent it from spreading around the house.
  • This makes cleaning up after your long-haired breed easier and minimizes hair on furniture and clothing.
  • It provides a comfortable and cozy spot for them to rest.
  • The towel also protects bedding and other surfaces from excessive hair accumulation.

Vacuum Often

Vacuuming your home regularly when you have a Ragdoll cat is important. This removes fallen cat fur from the couch and room. Here are some tips for vacuuming effectively:

  1. Vacuum the carpeted areas at least once or twice a week.
  2. Pay special attention to areas where your Ragdoll likes to spend time, like their favorite sleeping spots, cat trees, or water fountains.
  3. Use a strong suction power vacuum to pick up all hidden hairs. `Kenmore 600 Series is a lightweight and pet-friendly option for people. 
  4. Consider using a vacuum cleaner designed for pet owners like Molypet Vacuum Cleaner. These often have specialized attachments for removing pet hair.
  5. Don’t forget to vacuum upholstered furniture, curtains, and rugs where cat fur can easily accumulate.
  6. Empty the vacuum cleaner’s dust bin or change the bag regularly to maintain optimal suction power.

Keep Your Home At A Cool Temperature

Keeping your home at a cool temperature can help with shedding. Here are some tips to achieve this:

  • Use air conditioning or fans to maintain a comfortable body temperature for your cat.
  • Keep windows closed during summer months to prevent heat from entering your home.
  • Provide cool and shaded areas for your cat to relax in.
  • Avoid placing your cat’s bed or resting areas in direct sunlight.
  • Consider using cooling mats or pads for your cat to lie on.
ragdoll hair
ragdoll hair

Build An Outdoor Cat Enclosure

Building an outdoor cat enclosure for your Ragdoll cat can provide numerous benefits. 

Controlled Outdoor Space: 

An outdoor cat enclosure gives your Ragdoll a safe and controlled area to enjoy the outdoors. They can explore, climb, and play without getting lost or injured.

Reduced Stress: 

Being in an enclosed outdoor space reduces stress for your Ragdoll. When fluffy friends are stressed, they may shed more. The enclosure provides a calm environment, minimizing excessive shedding.

Temperature Regulation: 

An outdoor cat enclosure can keep your Ragdoll cool in warmer climates. This prevents overheating, which can lead to excessive shedding. 

Protection from External Factors: 

An outdoor enclosure shields your Ragdoll from potential stressors that could cause excessive shedding. Loud noises, unfamiliar animals, and harsh weather conditions are a few.

Mental Stimulation: 

An outdoor cat enclosure provides mental stimulation for your Ragdoll, reducing boredom and stress-related shedding. They can watch birds or squirrels and explore their surroundings.

do ragdoll cats shed
do ragdoll cats shed

Provide Your Cat A Healthy Diet

A healthy diet reduces shedding in Ragdoll cats. Here are some tips to provide your cat with a nutritious diet:

  1. Choose High-Quality Cat Food: Look for cat food with essential nutrients specifically formulated for Ragdoll cats, like Royal Canin Dry Cat Food. Avoid items with artificial additives and fillers to prevent food allergies. 
  2. Opt For Wet Food: Wet food like Sheba Perfects can improve hydration, contributing to a healthier coat. It also provides moisture that dry kibble often lacks.
  3. Include Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3 fatty acids in quality fish oil can promote healthy skin and coat in Ragdoll cats. Consider adding supplements or feeding them fish-based treats occasionally.
  4. Provide A Balanced Diet: Ensure your cat’s diet includes a mix of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
  5. Consult Your Veterinarian: Your vet can recommend dietary changes or supplements tailored to your Ragdoll cat’s needs.

Add Supplements To Your Cat’s Diet

Here are some additions that can improve their coat color and minimize excessive shedding:

  1. Vitamins: Adding a comprehensive multi-vitamin supplement to your cat’s food can provide essential nutrients that support healthy skin and coat. Digestive Enzymes support diet changes and sensitive stomachs in cats. 
  1. Fish Oil: High-quality fish oil supplements contain omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce shedding in fluffy friends and promote a healthy coat. Omega 3 chews for cats contain essential fatty acids. 

Make Sure Your Ragdoll Is Hydrated

Ensuring your cat stays hydrated is essential for their health and well-being. 

  • Provide Fresh Water At All Times: Ensure your Ragdoll has clean and accessible daily water.
  • Wet Cat Food: Consider incorporating wet cat food into your Ragdoll’s diet, as it contains more moisture than dry food.
  • Add Water To Dry Cat Food: If you prefer dry cat food, add a small amount of cool water to increase water intake. It will keep the pet animal hydrated. 
  • Multiple Water Sources: Place multiple water bowls in different areas of your home to encourage your Ragdoll to drink more often.
  • Signs Of Dehydration: Keep an eye out for signs like decreased appetite, dry mouth, sunken eyes, and lethargy.

Look Out For Infection

Infections can happen if the fur and hair from your Ragdoll cat’s shedding are not managed properly. 

  1. Keep the outer coat clean and groomed regularly.
  2. Brush and comb your cat to remove loose fur and prevent matting.
  3. Look for skin irritations, hot spots, or bacterial and fungal infections.
  4. If you suspect an infection, seek veterinary care for diagnosis and treatment.

Remove The Source Of Stress

Remove the source of stress to reduce your Ragdoll cat’s shedding. 

  1. Create a calm and peaceful environment for your cat.
  2. Provide plenty of toys and activities to keep them entertained.
  3. Give them a safe space to retreat when they feel overwhelmed.
  4. Avoid sudden changes in their routine or environment.
  5. Ensure they have regular playtime and exercise to release pent-up energy.
  6. Use pheromone sprays or diffusers to create a soothing atmosphere.
  7. Consult with a veterinarian if you suspect any underlying health issues causing stress.

How To Recognize High-Quality Ragdoll Cat Food?

High-quality Ragdoll cat food can be identified by looking at the below factors. 

  • It should have a high protein and fat content to support your cat’s health. 
  • It should also be low in carbohydrates and fillers, which can lead to weight gain or digestive issues.
  • Look for natural preservatives in the ingredients list instead of artificial ones. 
  • Ensure that the cat food meets the standards of organizations like AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control Officials).
  • Avoid cat food with a lot of cereal content. It is not ideal for Ragdolls and may cause food allergies. 
  • Different options for feeding your Ragdoll, including raw, fresh, or commercial cat food.

Should I Get A Ragdoll If I Am Sensitive To Cat Fur?

A Ragdoll may not be the best choice for people sensitive to cat fur. While Ragdolls are more hypoallergenic than other breeds because they don’t have an undercoat, they still shed.

This means that allergy sufferers or sensitive to cat fur may still experience mild allergies or reactions. Regular grooming and brushing can reduce shedding in Ragdolls.

But consider your sensitivity and potential cat allergies before deciding. Prior allergy shots or allergy medications can also benefit. 

Process Of Grooming Your Ragdoll

Brush Their Fur Regularly:

Use a soft or slicker brush like Aumuca Cat Brush to remove hidden hairs from their coat. This helps prevent mats and tangles.

Pay Attention To Trouble Spots:

Focus on areas like the belly, armpits, and behind the ears where fluffy hair tends to mat. Carefully work out any knots with your fingers or a wide-toothed comb.

Trim Their Nails:

Regularly trim your Ragdoll’s nails to prevent them from getting too long and causing discomfort or damage. Pet Republique Nail Clipper is among the grooming tools. 

Check Their Ears:

Inspect them for any dirt or debris. Clean them with a cotton ball dampened with an ear-cleaning solution recommended by your veterinarian. PetArmor Ear Rinse is an excellent option. 

Brush Their Teeth:

Introduce brushing early to maintain good dental health. Use a cat-specific toothbrush and toothpaste to brush their teeth gently. Arm & Hammer Dental Kit is a complete solution. 

Bathe When Necessary:

While Ragdolls generally don’t require frequent bathing, you may need to bath them occasionally. Use a cat-friendly shampoo like Mooncat Waterless Shampoo and warm water, and rinse thoroughly.

Monitor Their Overall Health: Regular grooming sessions allow for checking for skin irritations, lumps, or abnormalities that may require veterinary attention.

do ragdolls shed
Do Ragdoll Cats Shed

Process Of Bathing Your Ragdoll Cat

To keep your Ragdoll cat’s shedding under control, timely bathing can be helpful. 

  1. Prepare The Bath: Fill a sink or tub with warm water, ensuring it’s not too hot or cold for your cat.
  2. Use Cat-Friendly Shampoo: Use a shampoo specifically for cats, like PetO ’Cera, to avoid skin irritation. Wet your cat’s fur thoroughly. 
  3. Apply Shampoo: Gently massage the shampoo into your cat’s fur, focusing on areas with excessive shedding.
  4. Rinse Thoroughly: Rinse all the shampoo out of your cat’s fur using warm water.
  5. Towel Dry: Wash your cat in a towel and gently pat them dry. Avoid vigorous rubbing as it can cause tangling and breakage of the fur. Use Bone Dry Pet Grooming Towel for the best experience. 
  6. Optional Blow-Dry: If your Ragdoll isn’t afraid of the noise, use a hairdryer on the lowest setting to dry their coat.


Do Ragdolls Shed Dander? 

Yes, Ragdolls do shed dander. Dander is microscopic flakes of dead skin that cats produce. It is among the main pet allergens that cause allergy to cat fur in humans.

Ragdolls are not hypoallergenic, which means they can still trigger reactions in allergic people. 

Ragdolls are considered to be low-shedding cats. They do not have an undercoat. The layer of hair traps animal dander and other pet allergens. This means that Ragdolls do not shed as much dander as other cat breeds

Are Dirty Pants An Issue For the Ragdoll?

Dirty pants can be an issue for Ragdoll cats. Since Ragdolls have long fur, their coats can easily pick up dirt, debris, and feces.

This can lead to dirty and stained fur around the hindquarters area. They may require regular cleaning and grooming to keep them clean and hygienic.

Are Ragdoll Cats Hypoallergenic?

Ragdoll cats are not hypoallergenic, which means they can still trigger allergies in people. It’s a common misconception that Ragdolls don’t shed and are safe for those with feline allergies.

Allergies in breeds of cats can be caused by their saliva, skin, and dander, all of which are still present in Ragdolls. If you have feline allergies, there is no such thing as a truly hypoallergenic cat breed.

Do Ragdolls Ever Stop Shedding?

Ragdolls do not stop shedding completely, but the amount can vary. Ragdolls are a moderate shedder. They don’t shed as much as breeds with a thicker coat, like Persians or Maine Coons.

Diet and overall health can affect the amount of shedding in Ragdoll cats.

Shedding is a normal part of a cat’s natural life cycle; regularly groom your Ragdoll to manage loose hairs.

How Much Do Ragdoll Cats Shed?

Ragdoll cats shed a moderate amount of hair compared to other breeds.

While they may not have as much shedding as some average cats, they shed more than many other breeds. This is because Ragdolls have long, silky coats that easily release loose hairs.

Excessive shedding in Ragdolls can indicate underlying issues like diet or illness. Monitor their coat color and health and take appropriate measures if needed.

Are Ragdoll Cats High Maintenance?

Ragdoll cats are not considered high maintenance. While they have a heavier coat that requires regular brushing to prevent matting, their shedding is manageable.

Ragdolls have a low-shedding coat type compared to other breeds. Their shedding can be reduced with proper care and attention.

Regular brushing removes loose hairs and keeps their outer coat healthy.

Do Ragdoll Cats Scratch Furniture?

Despite their calm and gentle nature, Ragdoll cats tend to scratch furniture. They are less likely to engage in this behavior than other cat breeds.

To prevent or minimize scratching, provide proper training and environmental enrichment for your Ragdoll.

This includes providing scratching posts or boards as an alternative surface for them to scratch. Keep their claws trimmed regularly, and redirect their attention with interactive toys.

Do Ragdoll Cats Leave Hair Everywhere?

Ragdoll cats have medium to long coats, which means that they leave hair everywhere. Their loose hairs can be found on furniture, carpets, and clothing. 

If you’re considering getting a Ragdoll cat, be prepared for extra cleaning! Despite the shedding, Ragdoll cats are popular pets. They are an affectionate breed due to their friendly nature. 

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