When Do Kittens Calm Down

When Do Kittens Calm Down? A Thorough Guide

When you bring home a kitten, their levels of energy are usually higher than expected. From leaping new objects to furniture, they will explore everything inside the house. 

They will never seem still, and their hyperactive stage is normal. However, cats calm down with age; it starts from six months and ranges from nine to twelve. Channel their endless energy into the right direction with appropriate playtime. Find tips for calming down your kitten below and take the right care of them. 

when do kittens calm down
when do kittens calm down

Key Takeaways

  • A 6-month-old kitten typically starts to calm down. But the exact timing may vary for each cat, ranging from 8-12 months.
  • Age, breed, health, calm environment, sleep, diet, and socialization can influence normal kitten behavior and energy levels.
  • To help your kitten calm down, provide interactive toys and regular play sessions to burn off excess energy.
  • Create a relaxed environment with catscratching posts, plenty of toys, comfortable resting areas, hiding spots, and a cat-friendly space. It contributes to their overall well-being and manages hyperactivity.

At What Age Do Kittens Calm Down?

Kittens can be a handful during their first year of life. They’re incredibly playful, curious, and full of energy. You’ll often find them pouncing on anything that moves, chasing imaginary prey, and exploring every nook and cranny in your home.

Birth To 1 Year

As they approach their first birthday, you might notice a gradual change. They’ll likely start to calm down a bit. While they’ll still have their playful moments, they won’t be as hyperactive as when they were tiny kittens.

After 1 Year

Once a cat reaches around a year old, they’re considered adults. Their behavior tends to mellow out compared to their kitten days.

They might be more content lounging around, and you’ll see fewer of those crazy, zooming-around-the-house episodes. Remember that individual cats have personalities, so some may remain playful even into adulthood.

Senior Years

As your feline friend enters their senior years, typically around 7 years and older, they’ll become less active. They’ll spend more time napping and less time chasing toys. It’s a natural part of the aging process. Along with reduced activity, senior cats may also develop age-related health issues.

when do cats calm down
when do cats calm down

Recognize Kitten Behavior Stages

Newborn Stage (0-2 Weeks): 

During this stage, kittens are completely dependent on their mother. They are blind, deaf, and unable to regulate their body temperature. They spend most of their time nursing and sleeping.

Transitional Stage (2-4 Weeks): 

Kittens’ eyes open at around two weeks of age, and they start to hear sounds. They may also begin to crawl and explore their surroundings. They still rely on their mother’s milk but may start to show some interest in soft food.

Socialization Stage (4-7 Weeks): 

This is a critical stage for social development. Kittens become more active and playful. They start interacting with littermates and learn important social skills like bite inhibition. This is an ideal time for human interaction and gentle handling to ensure they become well-adjusted cats.

Exploration Stage (7-12 Weeks):

 Kittens become more independent during this stage. They continue to play and explore, refining their motor skills and hunting instincts. They may start to eat solid food exclusively and use a litter box consistently.

at what age do cats calm down
at what age do cats calm down

Juvenile Stage (3-6 Months): 

Kittens are still growing during this stage and may have bursts of high energy. They often engage in intense play and may exhibit some rebellious behavior. Spaying or neutering typically occurs around this age to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

Adolescent Stage (6-12 Months): 

Cats are considered adolescents at this point. They may continue to be active and playful but start to settle down compared to their kitten days. They might test boundaries but can still be trained and socialized.

Adult Stage (1 Year And Older): 

By the time cats reach a year of age, they are considered adults. Their behavior tends to stabilize, and they become more predictable. Some cats become more independent, while others remain playful and affectionate.

Senior Stage (7 Years And Older): 

In their senior years, cats become less active. They may sleep more and become less interested in vigorous play. Health issues associated with aging, such as arthritis, may also affect their behavior.

what age do cats calm down
what age do cats calm down

Understanding Kitten Hyperactivity

Kittens can exhibit hyperactive behavior due to their growth periods and natural hunting instincts for play.

Growth Periods of Your Kitten

Kittens have fast growth periods. They act crazy at 8 weeks of age. Their peak energy hits at 3 months old. After that, they start to slow down a bit by the time they are 6 months old.

This first year is like living 15-20 human years for them! As cats age, they lose some of their wild kitten energy, but don’t worry, it’s normal!

Why Kittens Play Aggressively?

Kittens play rough. It is their way of learning how to hunt and fight. This stage starts when they are about 8 weeks of age. They bite, chase, and pounce on things. These actions prepare them for the real world.

This type of play is part of their growth periods and a sign that your kitten is healthy. Aggressive kitten play also helps burn off energy. That’s why they seem hyperactive sometimes. A good game can help calm them down.

when will my kitten calm down
when will my kitten calm down

When Do Kittens Calm Down?

Kittens typically calm down around 6 months. Various factors can influence their normal behavior and kitten energy levels.

Age and Calming Down

Kittens begin to calm down around six months old. This is when they start sleeping more in the day. They also play at night during this stage. 

But remember, each breed of cat is different. Some may act quiet sooner or later than six months. The first year of a kitten’s life is a time of quick growth and change for them. So don’t worry if your kitten acts wild! With time, they will settle down and have less hyperactive natures.

Factors Influencing Kitten Behavior

A lot of things can change the behavior of kittens. Some of these factors include:

  1. Age: As these felines grow older, they usually become a less overactive kitten.
  2. Breed: Some cat breed types have a more energetic nature than others.
  3. Health: Certain health issues can result in a less active kitten. 
  4. Environment: If a kitten feels safe and has many fun toys, it might play more.
  5. Sleep: Kittens who don’t sleep well could show more hyperactivity.
  6. Diet: What a kitten eats can affect its energy levels and behavior issue.
  7. Socialization: Having playmates can help a kitten use up extra energy healthily.
at what age do kittens calm down
at what age do kittens calm down

Techniques to Help Your Kitten Calm Down

To help a kitten calm down, a cat owner can provide interactive toys and regular play sessions to burn off excess energy.

Interactive Toys and Play Sessions

Playtime is an important part of managing a hyper kitten. Here are some techniques a pet owner can try:

Use Interactive Toys: 

Toys that require your kitten to engage and interact with them are great for burning off energy. Wand toys, laser pointers, and rotating cat toys are all examples of interactive toys to keep your kitten entertained.

Set Up Play Sessions: 

Designate specific times during the day for play sessions with your kitten. Engage in stimulating activities that mimic hunting, like using wand toys to simulate prey movements. This will satisfy their natural instinct and help tire them out.

Provide Opportunities To Climb: 

Kittens love to climb. Having cat trees or other vertical spaces in your home can give them an outlet for exercise and play. It also helps keep them mentally stimulated.

Rotate Their Toys: 

Keep things interesting by switching out the toys you offer your kitten regularly. This prevents boredom and keeps their interest level high during playtime.

Use Puzzle Toys: 

Puzzle toys provide mental stimulation while encouraging physical activity. They require the cat to learn how to get treats or food from the toy by solving a puzzle.

when do kittens start to calm down
when do kittens start to calm down

Creating a Kitten-Friendly Environment

To create a calm environment, consider the following:

  1. Provide multiple scratching posts and surfaces to satisfy their natural urge to scratch.
  2. Place interactive toys throughout the house to keep them mentally stimulated.
  3. Set up a comfortable bed or blanket where they can relax and feel safe.
  4. Ensure plenty of hiding spots and elevated areas for them to climb and explore.
  5. Keep breakable objects out of reach to prevent accidental damage during playtime.
  6. Use cat-friendly furniture and avoid using harmful chemicals or plants that could be toxic to cats.
  7. Create opportunities for daily play sessions like a cat tower to burn off excess energy.
  8. Introduce puzzle toys or treat-dispensing toys to engage their problem-solving skills.
  9. Provide a quiet and enjoyable space to retreat when they need some alone time.
  10. Consider adopting a second kitten as a playmate. Ensure you have the resources and time to care for two kittens.

The Effect of Spaying/Neutering on Kitten Behavior

Spaying or neutering kittens can have a positive effect on their behavior. It reduces aggressive behavior and eliminates the risk of certain types of cancer. When you spay or neuter your kitten, it helps them calm down and mature. Combined with proper socialization and playtime, this procedure contributes to their overall calming process. 

Do you want your kitten to be more relaxed and well-behaved? Consider getting them spayed or neutered at the appropriate age your veterinarian recommends.

what age do kittens calm down
what age do kittens calm down


Kittens are known for their boundless energy and hyperactivity. But don’t worry, they eventually calm down. Usually around 6 months old, kittens settle down and become less restless.

Every breed of cat is unique, so their exact age may vary when they calm down. Provide proper playtime and create a calm environment. It will help your furry friend transition into a calm kitten and a more well-behaved adult cat.


1. When Do Kittens Start To Calm Down?

Kittens usually start to calm down at around six months. It can extend up to one year or more.

2. What Are Some Ways To Help A Hyperactive Kitten Burn Off Energy?

Toys like bouncy balls, scratching posts, laser pointers, and cat wheels help the hyperactive nature of kittens. They burn excess energy during daily play sessions.

3. Are There Certain Breeds Of Cats That Calm Down Earlier Than Others?

Yes! Breeds like Persian, British Shorthair, and Ragdoll tend to be calmer than high-energy breeds like Abyssinian and Bengal.

4. Should I Worry If My Kitten Is Too Active At Night?

Kitten owners don’t need to worry! Cats are crepuscular animals, meaning they are most active during dusk and dawn.

5. Does Spaying Or Neutering Impact A Kitten’s Behavior?

Yes, spaying or neutering may reduce your cat’s hyper activity levels. It also provides health benefits like cancer prevention.

6. Will Getting Another Kitten Help Calm My Existing One’s Energy Levels?

Sometimes, adopting another kitten provides opportunities for both to play together. It might result in less chaos caused by the older kitten’s natural instinct.

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