Blue Bicolor Ragdoll Guide: The Only One You’ll Ever Need

Bicolor is another traditional Ragdoll pattern besides Colorpoint and Mitted Ragdolls. A Blue Bicolor Ragdoll is covered with white and blue fur color over its body. White, the name suggests ‘blue’; their contemporary coat color is actually warm grey or taupe. They usually have a white coloring on their face, paws, chest, legs, and stomach. 

Like other Ragdoll cat breeds, they, too, possess fluffy coats and color blue eyes. Blue Bicolor Ragdolls are friendly, intelligent, and playful. They get well along with children and other animals, making excellent family pets. 

blue bicolor ragdoll
blue bicolor ragdoll kitten

History & Origin Of Blue Bicolor Ragdoll Kitten

Ann Baker started the story of beautiful Ragdoll Cats in the 1960s. She is a well-known American breeder. The blue Ragdoll comes from a cat named Josephine. 

This cat is their mom. The blue coloration makes this type of Ragdoll special, along with its two-coloration pattern.

Many people know and love the Blue Ragdoll for how calm it is. They also stand out because they are big and heavy cats. Their fur is semi-long, giving them a soft feel when touching them.

A clear mark of this breed is having a blue dominant eye color and fur that points to a certain color on their coat.

blue lynx bicolor ragdoll
blue bicolor ragdoll cat

Overview Of The Blue Bicolor Ragdoll Cat 


Blue bicolor ragdoll cats are very friendly. They love people and enjoy playing with them. These cats also like quiet time too. 

They can sit on your lap for hours without moving. Blue bicolor ragdolls are not shy cats. They will come forward to meet guests in your home.

These cats have a calm nature and don’t get angry easily. This makes them good pets for homes with other animals or kids. 

The blue bicolor ragdoll is known as the “gentle giant” because of its large size and kind heart.

Temperament & Intelligence

Blue Point Ragdoll Cat is gentle and loving. Their calm nature makes them good pets. Cat fanciers love their soft way of acting. These docile cat breeds are smart too.

These ragdolls are not just pretty faces; they also have great brains. Blue Bicolor Ragdolls share a smart mindset like other cat colors in the breed. This means that they can learn new things fast if you teach them well!

Food Requirements

These Blue Bicolor Ragdolls have specific food requirements to stay healthy and happy. Here are some important points:

  • Blue Bicolor Ragdolls are carnivores, which means they need a diet high in protein.
  • Their diet should consist mainly of meat-based foods to meet their nutritional needs.
  • High-quality cat food that contains real meat as the main ingredient is recommended. Royal Canin Dry Cat Food is a good option. 
  • Avoid feeding them with foods that contain fillers or artificial additives.
  • Provide them with a balanced diet with all the essential nutrients.
  • Consult your veterinarian to determine the right portion size and feeding schedule.
  • Blue Ragdolls may require slightly more food than smaller beloved cat breeds due to their larger size.

Exercise and Training

Blue Ragdolls require regular exercise and training. Here are some things to remember:

  1. Interactive Play: Engage your Blue Ragdoll in interactive play sessions using toys like feather wands and laser pointers. This stimulates their minds and provides exercise.
  2. Puzzle Feeders: Use puzzle feeders to make mealtime more interesting for your cat. Feeders like Outward Hound challenge them mentally while eating, providing physical and mental exercise.
  3. Training Sessions: Blue Ragdoll is an intelligent and trainable cat. Use positive reinforcement techniques to teach them tricks like sitting, fetching, or high-fiving. This not only exercises their bodies but also keeps their minds sharp.
  4. Regular Physical Activity: Apart from play and training, ensure that your Blue Ragdoll gets regular physical activity. Encourage them to explore different areas of your home. Provide scratching posts and cat trees for climbing and stretching. Pawz scratching posts and cat trees are smart picks. 
  5. Grooming: Regular grooming is essential for maintaining the health of your Blue Ragdoll’s coat. Brush them at least once a week to prevent matting and remove loose hairs. You can use Glendan Cat Brush for enhanced results


Proper grooming is important for these cats. It keeps their semi-long-haired coat looking beautiful. 

  • Regular Brushing: Brush your blue bicolor ragdoll coat at least once weekly to prevent knots and tangles.
  • Bathing: Blue bicolor ragdolls generally do not require frequent baths. Use a mild cat shampoo like Mooncat Waterless Shampoo and ensure thorough rinsing.
  • Nail Trimming: Regularly trim your cat’s nails to prevent them from becoming too long or sharp. Be careful not to trim them too short. You can try Zen Nail Clipper for a safe experience. 
  • Ear Cleaning: Regularly check your cat’s ears for dirt or wax buildup. Use a damp cloth or a vet-recommended ear cleaner to wipe the outer part of the ears gently. Petpost ear wipes for cats clean effectively. 
  • Dental Care: Clean your cat’s teeth by brushing them regularly with a cat-specific toothbrush and toothpaste. Arm & Hammer dental kit is excellent in this regard. 
  • Eye Cleaning: Check your cat’s eyes daily for any discharge or signs of irritation. Use a soft, damp cloth to clean around the eyes if needed.
blue bicolor lynx ragdoll
ragdoll blue bicolor

Ragdoll Cat Blue Bicolor: Male Vs. Female

Differences between Male and Female Blue Bicolor Ragdolls can help you select the perfect pet for your family structure. Below is a comparative table highlighting these differences:

Male Blue Bicolor RagdollFemale Blue Bicolor Ragdoll
SociabilityMale Ragdolls are typically more sociable and outgoing.Blue bicolor Ragdoll female may be less sociable and more independent.
Physical AppearanceBlue Ragdoll males are often described as massive and robust.Females are slender and graceful in physical characteristics.
Personality TraitsMale Ragdolls can be somewhat independent and willful.Females may be more affectionate and bonded with their owners.

What Do Blue Bicolor Ragdolls Look Like?

Blue Point Bicolor Ragdoll has a stunning and distinct color pattern with a blue-white shade

They have a grey color on their ears, nose, legs, tail, and body. They have a white chin color. This gives them a beautiful blue or gray appearance.

One of the key features of the blue bicolor variant is its white markings. They often have white “mitts” on their paws and a white belly stripe. 

These markings stand out against the grey color background, making them look adorable.Their luxurious coat adds to their overall appeal, making them truly captivating cats.

Blue bicolor Ragdolls are also known as blue colorpoint Ragdolls because of the shades of blue or gray coat color

Combining the grey points and the white markings creates a unique and eye-catching look. Whether looking at their face or admiring their full coat, you can’t help but be drawn to these beautiful kitties.

Blue point Ragdoll cats have an elegant appearance, striking coloration pattern, and luxurious coats. 

Their grey points contrast beautifully with the white markings on their face and body. With their unique charm and distinctive features, these feline friends are a sight for any cat lover.

blue mink bicolor ragdoll
blue bicolor mink ragdoll

How to Know If It Is a Bicolor Blue Ragdoll?

The following attractive characteristics can help identify a bicolor blue Ragdoll:

  • The blue base color for coats
  • Bicolor coat pattern markings
  • Luxurious coat and bright blue eyes
  • Cat kitten has a full-on white shade and starts to show color variations around 2 weeks
  • Traditional pattern types among Ragdolls include mitted Ragdolls, colorpoint, and bicolor

How Long Do Blue Bicolor Ragdoll Cats Live?

This charismatic Ragdoll cat has an average lifespan of 9 to 15 years. Some Ragdolls can live even longer than that. 

There have been instances where Ragdoll cats have lived up to 26 years! The male or female kitten age is influenced by genetics, overall health, diet, and lifestyle.

Provide your blue bicolor Ragdoll with proper care, regular check-ups with a veterinarian, and a balanced diet. Lots of love and attention can help them live long and healthy lives.

Every cat is unique, and individual circumstances may vary. Consult your veterinarian for specific information about your cat’s health needs and how you can promote its longevity.

bicolor blue ragdoll
blue bicolor ragdoll cats

How Do Breeders Get Ragdoll to Be Blue Bicolor?

Breeders use a selective breeding program to achieve blue bicolor Ragdolls. Here’s how they do it:

  • Breeders select cats with the desired blue bicolor trait.
  • They breed these cats together to increase the chances of producing blue bicolor cat kitten.
  • Breeders can establish a line of blue bicolor Ragdolls. They carefully select and breed cats with the desired traits over generations.
  • The process involves monitoring definitive coat color progression, pattern, and typical eye color. It ensures the cat kitten meets the breed standards for blue bicolor Ragdolls.


Are Blue Bicolor Ragdolls Friendly?

Blue bicolor Ragdolls are friendly and have a gentle nature. They get along well with other pets and even strangers. These cats have a docile and people-loving temperament, making them great companions.

Whether you have a busy household or live alone, a blue bicolor Ragdoll will happily adapt to your lifestyle.

How Big Do Blue Bicolor Ragdolls Get?

Blue Bicolor Ragdolls can grow to be quite large. Both male and female Blue Bicolor Ragdolls can weigh over 12 pounds. 

They are a big and sturdy breed of cat. Regarding size, male Blue Bicolor Ragdolls are usually larger than females.

They have a strong and muscular physique that adds to their overall size. The body color shading of these cats can vary from light color to darker colors of gray.

What’s The Price of a Blue Bicolor Ragdoll?

A Blue Bicolor Ragdoll beautiful kitty is at least $500. The cost of these adorable kitties varies depending on location and the cat’s quality. 

Show breed beautiful kitty can be priced at $3,000, while a pet quality kitten ranges from $800 to $2,000.

Blue Point Ragdoll cats, a type of Blue Bicolor Ragdoll, can cost anywhere from $400 to $2,500. Purchasing from a reputable breeder usually results in higher prices.

Are Blue Bicolor Ragdoll Rare?

Blue bicolor Ragdolls have rarest color patterns than other color variations of Ragdoll cats. This is because their availability can vary depending on breeders and individual circumstances.

While they may not be common, finding a blue bicolor Ragdoll with the right research and connections is possible. 

Contacting reputable breeders specializing in these rarest color patterns is important.

Are Blue Bicolor Ragdoll Cats Good for Family?

Blue bicolor Ragdoll cats make excellent pets for families. Their friendly and gentle nature makes them great companions, especially for children. 

These cats are well-suited to family homes, where they can provide love and affection to everyone.

Their calm temperament and easygoing personality make them adaptable to various living situations. They form strong bonds with their human family members. 

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