Blue Point Cat

All About the Blue Point Cat: Characteristics, Care, and More

The Blue Point Siamese Cat has a striking appearance and captivating personality. These cats are gentle, loving, and loyal. They are among the four recognized Siamese cat colors. The Blue Point is a talkative and intelligent breed requiring adequate attention. Also, they gained recognition in 1934 and are a good family pet option.

They have a lighter body color than the dark, brownish-black seal. This purebred cat is expensive, with show standard cats setting the bar even higher. Blue Points are prone to separation anxiety due to their affectionate nature. Let’s delve further into their historical journey, appearance, nature, and health concerns. 

Key Takeaways

  • Blue Point Siamese cats are known for their distinct features. It includes icy-blue eyes and a unique bluish-gray coat with darker blue points on the ears, face, paws, and tail.
  • They are intelligent cats that can learn commands and perform tricks. They are also affectionate and form strong bonds with their human family members.
  • Blue Point Siamese cats require a balanced diet, high-quality cat food, and regular exercise to keep them healthy. Regular grooming maintains their beautiful coat.
  • Blue Point Siamese cats are prone to progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), asthma, lens luxation, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, dental disease, obesity, and lower airway diseases like bronchitis or asthma. Regular veterinary check-ups are important.
Table of contents

Understanding The Blue Point Siamese Cat

The Blue PointSiamese Cat is a breed with origins in Thailand. Its distinct characteristics set it apart from other Siamese variants.

Origin and History

The Blue Point Siamese Cat comes from a far-off place called Siam, or Thailand. They got their name due to their pretty blue eyes and the blue color on their ears, paws, and tails.

A long time ago, in 1871, they were shown off at a big cat show in London. Later on, in 1934, people started to see them as a breed on their own.

Recognized Siamese Breed Standards

Blue Point Siamese Cats meet set Siamese breed standards. This means they look and act in certain ways that people expect. The eye color must be deep blue. 

Their body type is slim but strong, showing off their muscles. The fur color rules say it has to be light and cool-toned. They must have slate-blue points on the ears, face, paws, and tail.

These Blue Point Siamese cats’ appearance rules have existed since 1934! By these standards, they ensure the cat is a true Blue Point Siamese Cat.

Unique Characteristics of the Blue Point Siamese Cat

The Blue Point Siamese cat is known for its distinct coat color and patterns. Find below everything that sets it apart from other Siamese variants.

 blue point siamese kitten
blue point siamese kitten

Siamese Cats Coat Colors and Patterns

Blue Point’s looks can be defined as special. They have bluish-white, cold-toned fur. The face, ears, paws, and tail are darker blue. This color variation comes from the gene responsible for their fur color.

These cats shed, but not much because they have short hair. They might shed more when it gets colder. Even though their coat is short, some very sensitive people may still be allergic.

Difference Between Blue Point and Other Siamese Varieties

Blue Point Siamese cats distinguish themselves from other Siamese family members through their unique body color, temperament, and health conditions. Here’s an insightful comparison to distinguish Blue Point and other Siamese varieties clearly.

FeaturesBlue Point SiameseOther Siamese Varieties
ColorThe Blue PointSiamese cats exhibit a bluish-white body with deep blue points on their ears, faces, paws, and tails.Like the cat with Seal Point, other Siamese cats have creamy bodies with dark brown points. 
The Chocolate Point cat has a cream-colored body with milk chocolate points.
AvailabilityBlue Point Siamese cats are harder to find than others, especially the prevalent Seal Point cousins.Seal Point and Chocolate Point Siamese cat types are often more readily available.
TemperamentBlue Point Siamese cats have affectionate personalities and bond closely with their human family members. 

They are also highly energetic and require physical and mental stimulation.
While other Siamese varieties also bond closely with their human families, there can be differences in energy levels and playful nature.
Health ConditionsBlue Point Siamese cats are prone to progressive retinal atrophy, which can lead to blindness.While other Siamese varieties also have specific health risks, they do not commonly face the risk of progressive retinal atrophy.
DietThey require a grain-free diet or a food with a single protein source to address potential food allergies and sensitivities.Other Siamese varieties may not require such specific dietary needs.
blue point siamese kittens
blue point siamese kittens

Blue Point Siamese Cat Personality Traits and Temperament

Blue Point Siamese cats have high intelligence levels. They have an affectionate nature towards their families and other pets.

Intelligence Level

The Blue Eyed Point cats are intelligent. They are among the smartest cat breeds. These cats can learn and understand commands and be trained to perform tricks and tasks.

Blue Point Siamese cats are quick learners. It makes them great candidates for interactive games and puzzle toys that stimulate their minds. 

Their intelligence allows them to solve problems and adapt quickly to new environments. They communicate effectively with their human companions.

Interaction with Families and Other Pets

The Blue Eyed Point cats are affectionate and sociable, making them great family companions. They get along well with other pets in the household, including a cat and a well-behaved dog.

Siamese cats thrive on social interaction and love being part of family activities. Siamese cats may be unsuitable for families out all day or prefer a quieter pet.

These cats with active and vocal nature enjoy plenty of attention and need mental stimulation to keep them happy.

 blue point seal point siamese
blue point seal point siamese

Care and Maintenance for Blue Point Siamese Cats

Blue Point Siamese cats require a balanced diet with high-quality cat food. Regular exercise keeps them active and healthy; regular grooming maintains their beautiful coat.

Food and Diet Requirements

Siamese cats need a special diet to keep them healthy. Some important things about their food and diet requirements:

  • Siamese cats should be fed a grain-free diet or food with only one protein source. This is because they can have allergies or sensitivities to certain ingredients.
  • Provide your Siamese cat with high-quality cat food designed for their age, size, and activity level. I And Love And You is a good canned wet food option. 
  • Follow the feeding guidelines on the cat food packaging and adjust the portions based on your cat’s needs.
  • Fresh water should always be available for your Siamese cat.
  • Avoid giving them table scraps, as human foods can harm cats.
  • Avoid giving them food with artificial colors or preservatives. 
  • Consult a veterinarian if you have concerns about your Siamese cat’s diet. They can provide personalized recommendations.

Exercise Needs

Blue Point Siamese cats have moderate exercise requirements to keep them healthy and happy. 

Regular Playtime: 

Engage in interactive play sessions with your Blue Point Siamese cat using toys like a wand or laser pointers. This will provide active stimulation and satisfy their natural hunting instincts.

Physical Activity: 

Blue Point Siamese cats enjoy climbing and exploring. Provide them with vertical spaces, like cat trees or shelves, where they can jump and perch. Go Pet Club Cat Tree is an excellent choice. Offer scratching posts like Mecool to encourage physical stimulation and keep their claws healthy. 

Environmental Enrichment: 

Create an enriching environment by offering puzzle toys or treat-dispensing toys that require them to think and problem-solve. This will prevent boredom and provide mental stimulation. Petlibro’s cat mouse toy, PetSafe’s Meal Dispensing toy, and Cat Laser Toy are recommended options. 

Leash Training: 

You can train your Blue Point Siamese cat to walk on a leash with patience and positive reinforcement. This allows them to explore the outdoors while staying under your supervision safely.

Indoor Activities: 

Set up interactive games, like hiding treats around the house or creating an obstacle course for your cat to navigate. These activities stimulate both their mind and body.

blue point kittens
blue point kittens


Start Early: 

Begin training your Blue Point cat when they are still a kitten. Kittens are more receptive to learning and socialization during their early weeks and months.

Basic Obedience: 

Teach your cat basic commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come.” Use treats and praise as rewards for following commands. Keep training sessions short and positive.

Litter Box Training: 

Most cats naturally use a litter box, but if your Blue Point kitten has trouble, gently place them in the litter box after meals or when they show signs of needing to go. Reward them when they use the litter box correctly.

Scratching Behavior: 

Cats have a natural instinct to scratch. Provide scratching posts and pads and encourage your cat to use them. If they scratch furniture, redirect them to the appropriate scratching area and reward them for doing so.


Blue Point Siamese cats are known for their sociable nature. Socialize your kitten by exposing them to different people, pets, and environments. This can help prevent shyness or fearfulness as they grow.


Engage in interactive play sessions with toys like feather wands or laser pointers. Play helps burn off energy and keeps your cat mentally stimulated.

Clicker Training:

Some cat owners find clicker training effective. Use a clicker to mark the desired behavior, then reward your cat. Over time, your cat will associate the click with a reward and be more likely to repeat the behavior.


Cats have their own personalities and may not always cooperate. Be patient and understanding during training sessions. Never use physical punishment or yell at your cat, as it can damage your trust.


Consistency is key in training. Use the same commands and reward system consistently, and make sure all family members are on the same page with training methods.

Vet Visits: 

Regular vet check-ups are essential to ensure your Blue Point cat’s health. Discuss any behavior issues with your vet to rule out any underlying medical causes.

blue point kitten
blue point kitten

Grooming Essentials

Blue Point Siamese cats have a short, fine coat that sheds minimally. Regular grooming is important to keep their skin and coat healthy. 


Regular brushing removes loose hair and prevents matting. Use a steel toothcomb or a soft-bristled brush like Aumuca to brush their coat gently.


Blue Point Siamese cats don’t require frequent baths, but occasional bathing keeps their coat clean. Use a cat-specific shampoo like Pet’O Cera and warm water for the bath.

Nail Trimming: 

Keep their nails trimmed to avoid scratches and prevent them from getting caught in furniture or carpets. Use cat nail clippers like one from Pet Republique to trim the tips of their nails.

Dental Care: 

Brushing your cat’s teeth regularly helps prevent dental diseases. Use a cat-specific toothbrush and toothpaste like Arm & Hammer to clean their teeth.

Ear Cleaning: 

Regularly check and gently clean your cat’s ears using an ear-cleaning solution and cotton balls or pads. Be careful not to insert anything deep into the ear canal. You can use Dr. Easy’s cleaning wipes to do so. 

bluepoint kittens
bluepoint kittens

Shedding Patterns Of The Blue Point Siamese

Like other Siamese color variations, the Blue Point Siamese cat has a short, sleek coat that tends to shed less than longer-haired cat breeds.

However, they still go through seasonal shedding and may have individual variations in their shedding patterns. Here’s what you can expect:

Seasonal Shedding: 

Siamese cats, including Blue Points, typically exhibit seasonal shedding. They tend to shed more during the spring and fall as they prepare their coats for the changing temperatures. During these times, you may notice an increase in loose hair around your home.

Year-Round Shedding: 

While Siamese cats are not known for heavy shedding, they do shed a small amount of hair year-round. Regular grooming can help minimize the amount of loose hair on their coat and reduce shedding-related issues.

Low Maintenance: 

One advantage of Blue Point Siamese cats’ short coats is that they are relatively low maintenance when it comes to grooming.

Weekly brushing with a soft-bristle brush or a grooming glove can help remove loose hair and distribute natural oils, keeping their coat healthy and shiny. This also minimizes the amount of hair they may shed around your home.


Blue Points don’t typically have extensive shedding, but they can still develop hairballs if they excessively groom themselves. Brushing can help reduce the likelihood of hairballs by removing loose fur before your cat ingests it.

Diet and Health: 

A proper diet and good overall health can also influence shedding. Make sure your Blue Point Siamese is getting a balanced diet with high-quality cat food, and consult with your veterinarian if you notice any excessive shedding or changes in their coat quality, as it could be a sign of an underlying health issue.

Health Considerations for Blue Point Siamese Cats

Common Health Issues

The Blue Point breedof cat can experience several common health issues. These may include


Blue Point Siamese cats are prone to this common condition. It occurs when abnormal protein deposits accumulate in different body organs.

Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA): 

PRA is a genetic condition affecting the retina. This eye condition leads to progressive vision loss and blindness in Blue Point Siamese cats.

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: 

This is a heart disease characterized by the thickening of the heart muscles. This makes it harder for the heart to pump blood effectively.

Dental Disease: 

Blue Point Siamese cats can be susceptible to oral health issues like periodontal disease and tooth decay. Regular dental care, including brushing teeth, prevents these problems.


Due to their love for food and lack of exercise, Blue Point Siamese cats are prone to obesity. Maintaining a healthy weight through a balanced diet and plenty of exercise is crucial.

Lower Airway Disease:

Some Blue Point Siamese cats may develop lower airway diseases like bronchitis or asthma. They may cause coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing.

blue point cat breed
blue point cat breed

Lifespan Expectations

Blue Point Siamese cats typically live for 15 to 20 years. The lifespan of these cats can be influenced by various factors, including their overall health. 

Taking your Blue Point Siamese cat for regular check-ups with a veterinarian is important. It monitors their health and addresses any potential issues early on.

Providing them with a balanced and nutritious diet is also crucial in promoting longevity. Creating a stress-free and stimulating environment to prolong their lifespan.

Interesting Facts About Blue Point Siamese Cats

Blue Point Siamese kitten is born white because of a temperature-sensitive albinism gene. Let’s learn more interesting facts. 

Why Are Siamese Kittens Born White?

Siamese kittens are born white because they have a dilution gene for temperature-sensitive albinism. This means that the temperature of their environment determines their body color.

As they grow older, their fur pigmentation develops. It produces distinct blue point coloring in adult Blue Point Siamese cats. Even though Siamese kittens start white, they eventually gain their unique official colors.

The Special Nature of Blue Point Siamese Kittens

Blue Point Siamese kittens are special in many ways. They have a unique appearance with their pale blue-gray points and creamy white slender bodies. 

This unusual color combination sets them apart from other Siamese varieties. Blue Points also have striking blue eyes that are captivating and intense.

Blue Point Siamese kittens are sociable animals. They love to form a special bond with their families and are vocal when they want to be the center of attention.

These kittens thrive on human interaction and enjoy the company of other pets as well. Regarding care, Blue Point Siamese kittens require proper grooming due to their medium-length fur coat. 

Weekly brush them to prevent matting and remove loose hair, keeping their coat looking healthy and shiny.

The Parent Cats Needed To Produce The Blue Point Siamese

The parent cats must be seal point cousins with a genetic mutation to produce a blue point Siamese. The blue point variety is created by diluting the seal point Siamese cat. These unique genetic variations result in the beautiful blue color seen in these cats.

Is There Personality Different To Other Siamese Cats?

The personality of a Blue Point Siamese cat is not fundamentally different from other Siamese cats. Blue Point Siamese cats are simply one of the color variations within the Siamese breed, and their personality traits are characteristic of Siamese cats in general. Siamese cats, regardless of their color points (seal, blue, chocolate, lilac, etc.), share several common personality traits

blue point cat breeds
blue point cat breeds

Adopting a Blue Point Siamese Cat

Adopting a Blue Point Siamese Cat requires finding reputable breeders. Be prepared for the cost and expenses of bringing one into your home.

Cost and Expenses

Adopting a Blue Point Siamese cat comes with additional costs and expenses. While these cats are difficult to find compared to the Seal Point variety, they are available for adoption in shelters.

The costs tend to be lower than buying from a breeder. The actual cost can vary depending on factors like the breeder’s reputation.

Any additional expenses like vaccinations and spaying/neutering also matter. Adopting a blue point Siamese cat from a reputable breeder ranges from several hundred to over a thousand dollars.

Budgeting for initial vet visits, vaccinations, microchipping, grooming supplies, and cat furniture is essential. Consider this extra cost when adopting a Blue Point Siamese cat into your family unit.

Finding Reputable Breeders

Finding a reputable breeder is important if you want to get a Blue Point Siamese cat. 

  1. Look for breeders who prioritize the health and well-being of their cats. They should be knowledgeable about genetic conditions that affect Siamese cats.
  2. Reputable breeders provide proper care and socialization for their kittens. They should be able to show you the living conditions where the kittens were raised. They allow you to meet the parents of the kitten you’re interested in.
  3. Ask for references from other people who have bought kittens from the breeder. Positive reviews from satisfied customers can indicate that the breeder is trustworthy.
  4. Check if the breeder is registered with a recognized cat association, like the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA). Official recognition can be a sign that the breeder maintains high breeding standards.
  5. Be prepared to pay more for kittens from reputable breeders. They invest time, effort, and resources into raising healthy and well-socialized kittens.

Here are a few breeders you should consider purchasing from –

  • Blue Eyes Cattery – The breeder’s natural approach makes them special. They ensure that cats are healthy and stay away from harmful chemicals.
  • Tresor Cats – This breeder from California offers Siamese cats from premium bloodlines. Their cats are tested for genetic defects before being sold.
  • Siam Bali Rags – This Siamese cat breeder from Florida offers healthy, happy, and well-socialized cats. The place where these cats live is veterinarian-supervised. 

Are These Cats Good for Families?

Blue Point Siamese cats, like other Siamese color variations, are generally known for their social and affectionate nature, making them great companions for families

Conclusion: Is a Blue Point Siamese the Right Cat for You?

A Blue Point Siamese might be right if you’re looking for a beautiful, intelligent cat that loves to vocalize. They are affectionate family pets and get along with other pets.Find a reputable breeder or consider adoption from shelters to ensure the well-being of your new furry friend.

blue seal point siamese
blue seal point siamese


What Are Blue Point Cats?

Blue point cats are a type of Siamese cat breed. Their paws, ears, and tail have a unique blue-grey color. Their deep blue eyes set them apart from other cats. 

The blue coloring is caused by a dilution gene that affects pigment production. Blue point cats are one of four recognized Siamese cats, with the Seal Point being the original type.

Are Blue Point Siamese Cats Small?

Blue Point Siamese cats are generally small, around 10-12 inches tall and weighing 5-11 pounds. Their petite stature makes them easy to handle and suitable for indoor living.

The size of a cat can vary within the breed. Some Blue Point Siamese cats may be slightly larger or smaller than average. Ultimately, their size doesn’t affect their adaptable nature and ability to make great family pets.

What Is The Difference Between Seal Point And Blue Point?

The main difference between seal and blue point Siamese cats is their coat color. While seal points have dark brown or black points, blue points have bluish-grey points. 

Another distinction is the body color. Seal points usually have a warm cream or fawn body, while blue points have a bluish-white or grayish-white body.

The blue coloration in blue point Siamese cats is caused by diluted pigments in their fur. They are considered a lighter variation of the cat in seal point.

Where Are Blue Point Siamese Cats From?

Blue Point Siamese cats are from Siam, now known as Thailand. They originated from the traditional Siamese cat breed, which has a long history in the region.

Blue Point Siamese cats have distinctive blue-grey color markings on their face, ears, paws, and tail. They are among the four recognized Siamese cats, with the Seal Point being the original.

These beautiful cats have since gained popularity worldwide for their unique appearance and friendly nature.

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