When Do Kittens Eyes Change Color

When Do Kittens Eyes Change Color?- Cat Eye Masterclass

Kittens are born with blue color eyes and can’t see at first. After about a week, they start to open their eyes. At this time, all kittens have blue eyes. The true color of their eyes starts to show when they are around 4-8 weeks of age. This is when melanocytes migrate to the iris to produce melanin. Let’s learn more about cat eye colors and when do kittens eyes change color!

Some kittens may take up to six months for the full eye color. This is how their first month passes in their eye developmental stage.

So, When Do Kittens’ Eyes Change Color?

Kittens’ eyes start to change color as they grow. This usually happens when the kittens are between 4 to 8 weeks of age. The process is tied to cells called melanocytes moving to the iris of their eye. These cells make a thing called melanin, which affects the adult color.

As the kitten’s iris grows and changes, so does its eye color. Mostly around week 6 or 7, a cat lover can see the developmental milestones. But it isn’t until they hit about two months of age that this shift in hue finishes up entirely.

Their adult eye color is almost always set for life at three months of life!

do kittens eyes change color
when do kittens eyes change color

The Anatomy of Cat’s Eye

A cat’s eye has a unique build. At the front, there is a clear layer called the cornea. Behind it lies the iris, which holds color. Melanin, a special tint, decides this color. If amounts of melanin are scarce or not fully grown, eyes will be blue in kittens.

A cat’s pupil sits behind its iris, changing shape with light levels to help sight in bright and dark areas. The light then passes through an inner lens towards the eye back to form images on the retina. It is much like how our human babies’ eyes work!

Last but important is tapetum lucidum: it gives cats glowing eyes when they catch the light at night.

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kitten eye color change

When Do Cat Eyes Change Color?

Cat eyes can change color for various reasons, like age, health, genetics, or lighting conditions. Read more about the fascinating cat eye colors to discover when and why these changes occur.

Can Cat Eyes Change Color With Age?

Yes, the color of cat eyes can change as they get older. A baby kitten is born with blue eyes. Their eyes might turn green, brown, or hazel as they grow. This shift happens within the first three months but may take up to six months in some feline friends.

Even adult cats can have changes in their eye color as they age. These shifts are natural and a normal part of a cat’s life cycle.

Can Cat Eyes Change Color Due To Health?

A cat’s eyes can indeed change color due to health issues. If you notice a sudden or abnormal shift in cat eye color, it may be a serious underlying problem. For example, aging can cause a cat’s eyes to turn yellow or green eye color.

Body conditions like uveitis, cataracts, jaundice, corneal ulcers, and eosinophilic keratitis can also change eye color. If you see any unusual changes in your cat’s permanent eye color, consult a veterinarian. He will determine the underlying cause and perform appropriate eye exam or tests if needed.

Can Cat Eyes Change Color With Genetics?

A cat’s eye color can change depending on the genetics passed down from its parents. The genes responsible for permanent eye color are inherited. Different combinations can result in common eye colors, like green, yellow, blue, or heterochromia (two different colored eyes).

Can Cat Eyes Change Color With Lighting?

Cat eyes cannot change color with lighting. The pigment cells in its irises determine the color of a cat’s eyes. These are genetic contributors and remain constant throughout their lives.

Different lighting conditions can make a cat’s eye color appear brighter or more vibrant. For example, when light shines directly into a cat’s eyes, it can create a glowing effect called “eye shine.”

This phenomenon occurs because cats have reflective cells behind their retinas that help them see better when the light blurs. 

While lighting can affect how a cat’s eyes look, it does not change its natural color.

when do kitten eyes change color
when do a kittens eyes change color

How to Tell a Kitten’s Age Based on Their Eyes?

  • Look at the color of the kitten’s eyes.
  • The newborn kitten is likely under 3 weeks of life if the eyes are still blue.
  • As the eyes change from blue to permanent color, the kitten is around 3 – 7 weeks old.
  • By 2 months old, the eye color should have fully changed and stabilized.
  • This method is not always exact. But it gives a general idea of a kitten’s age approximation based on eye color.

Cat Eye Colors

Cats can have a variety of colors, including yellow, green, orange, gold, brown, copper, and hazel. Read on to learn more about the different eye colours in cats and what they might indicate.

kitten eye color predictor
kitten eye color

Cats With Yellow Eyes

Cats with yellow eyes can have a variety of colors, including green, amber, and copper. Some cats with yellow eyes may even have two different-colored eyes. You might find cats with hazel eyes in the wild, a mix of green and golden yellow.

One breed of cat with stunning gold eyes is the Burmese cat. The color of a cat’s eyes can sometimes give clues about its breed standard or heritage. A cat with beautiful yellow eyes could signify their unique genetics and ancestry.

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Cats With Green Eyes

Cats with green eyes are unique and have a special charm. In cats, Green eye color means no or lack of melanin in their iris, which makes them stand out from other eye colors.

These colors are in certain breeds like Havana and Russian Blue. While yellow/amber-colored eyes are the most common eye color, green eyes bring something different.

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Cats With Orange Eyes

Some cats have beautiful orange eyes, adding uniqueness to their appearance. Natural Breeds like the Turkish Van and British Shorthair have this mature eye color. The orange color is caused by a high abundance of melanocytes into adulthood in their iris. It is responsible for melanin production. 

If you come across a cat with captivating orange eyes, it’s just one of many amazing color variation types!

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at what age do kittens eyes change color

Cats With Gold Eyes

Cats with gold eyes are quite striking and beautiful. The gold color results from more natural pigment in their eyes than cats with yellow eyes. Cat color is hereditary. If a cat has gold eyes, it’s likely its parents or ancestors also had the same eye color.

Gold-eyed cats stand out due to their unique hue. A cat’s eye color can change slightly, but cats with gold eyes always have that rich golden shade.

when do kittens eye color change
when does a kittens eyes change color

Cats With Brown Eyes

Cats with brown eyes are quite common and are one of the possible cat eye colors. Along with brown, cats with brown eyes can also have yellow, orange, or amber eyes.

Some cats even have two different-colored eyes; one eye is brown, and the other is a different color. It’s interesting to note that a cat’s eye color can change with mood. 

If you have a cat with beautiful brown eyes, know they are normal and nothing to worry about!

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Cats With Copper Eyes

Cats with copper eyes have a unique and beautiful eye color. Their eyes appear light brown with tones of red and orange. These copper-eyed cats are somewhat uncommon, but they are often described as having orange or amber eyes.

Two popular cat breeds known for copper eyes are the British Shorthair and Bombay cats. But not all cats with dark copper eyes belong to these specific breeds.

Some white or mostly white coat cats can also have copper-colored eyes. Besides blue, green, and gold, white cats may have this stunning eye color. The depth and intensity of the copper eye color depend on the pigmented cells in the cat’s iris.

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do kittens eye color change

Cats With Hazel Eyes

Cats with hazel eyes have a unique and striking eye color. Hazel eyes blend green and golden yellow, resembling the eyes of wild cats like Lynx and Bobcats. Hazel eyes are commonly found in feral cats, suggesting a possible connection to their wild ancestry.

Domestic cat breeds typically don’t have hazel-colored eyes, making them rare among our furry friends. If you come across a cat with hazel eyes, it might indicate that they have some feral background.

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when do kittens eyes stop changing color

Health Issues That Cause Cat Eye Color Changes

Certain eye health issues can cause changes in a cat’s eye color. They are uveitis, cataracts, jaundice, corneal ulcers, corneal sequestrum, and eosinophilic keratitis.

Red Eye Color Change Could Be Uveitis

If your cat’s eye color has changed to red, it could be uveitis. Uveitis is a common eye condition in cats that causes inflammation and changes the normal eye color.

This condition can occur due to trauma, eye infection, glaucoma, or other health issues. Take your cat to the vet, a longtime practitioner if you notice any unusual changes in their eye color. Uveitis can indicate an underlying problem that needs medical attention.

Cataracts Cause Milky Eye Color Change

Cataracts can change a cat’s eye color, making them look milky or cloudy. This happens when the clear lens inside the eye becomes cloudy. This can affect one or both eyes.

While cataracts usually develop as cats get older, they can also occur in younger cats. If your cat has cataracts, their eye color may change. Cataracts and other eye problems in cats require treatment depending on their severity.

Jaundice Causes Yellow Discoloration

In cats, their skin, eyes, ear flaps, gums, and foot pads turn yellow during jaundice. This happens because of a build-up of waste products in the body. When a cat has jaundice, it means they have elevated bilirubin levels in their blood.

Bilirubin is a substance that gives bile its yellow color. Jaundice can be caused by liver disease, destruction of red blood cells, or obstruction of the bile duct. Jaundice is not a disease but a symptom of underlying health problems in cats.

Corneal Ulcers Make Eyes Look Milky, Cloudy, or Pinkish

Corneal ulcers in cats cause their eyes to have a milky, cloudy, or pinkish appearance. These ulcers occur when the cornea, the clear outer layer of the eye, gets damaged.

Cloudy or milky eyes with discharge and excessive tearing might indicate a corneal ulcer. Veterinarians can use an orange-colored stain that turns green to identify damaged tissues on the cornea.

The irritation caused by these ulcers leads to a pinkish tint in the affected eye. Corneal ulcers are usually caused by injury or trauma to the eye. 

Corneal Sequestrum Appears as Brown or Yellow Color Changes

When a cat has a corneal sequestrum, the cornea turns from clear to brown or black as the condition develops.

Cats with this condition experience symptoms like increased tearing, discharge from the eye, and squinting. It’s more common in Persian and Siamese cats.

Corneal sequestrum also causes inflammation, blood vessels and cornea swelling. Surgery may be needed sometimes to treat this condition.

Eosinophilic Keratitis Makes Eye Color Change to Pink, White, or Gray

Eosinophilic keratitis affects the eyes of cats, causing a change in eye color to pink, white, or gray eye color. It is characterized by the formation of white lesions on the cornea or conjunctiva of the cat’s eye.

The affected eye may have cloudy vision or become discolored during Eosinophilic keratitis. This condition can also occur in horses and dogs, not just cats.

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What Are the Different Types of Blue-Eyed Cats?

Discover the stunning blue-eyed cats that captivate your heart. Keep reading to learn more about these mesmerizing felines.

American Shorthair

American Shorthair cats are popular with various eye colors, including blue, copper, green, gold, hazel, and odd-eyed. These cats can also have streaks and patches of white, black, brown, cream, silver, and blue in their fur.

They have a moderate tendency to shed. American Shorthair is a friendly and adaptable pet breed that makes great companions for individuals or families. They are low-maintenance cats with beautiful eyes and silky coat types.

Balinese Cat

The Balinese cat has bright and vivid blue eyes. These sapphire-blue eyes are a striking complement to the lines of their wedge-shaped head.

With Siamese-style point coloration and mesmerizing eye color, the Balinese cat is recognized as a purebred. Its unique eye color adds to its charm and beauty.

Birman Cat

The Birman cat is a breed with beautiful blue eyes. These cats are born with blue eyes, and the color stays with them as they grow into adults. Birmans have a distinct appearance, with pointed markings on their fur and white “mittens” on their paws. They are a gentle, friendly, and playful breed.

Birmans come with a higher price tag than the aforementioned breeds. This is because they are highly valued by cat enthusiasts who appreciate their unique characteristics.

blue eye kitten
kitten eyes

British Shorthair Cat

British Shorthair kittens are born with blue eyes that change color as they age. These cats can have eye colors ranging from orange to golden to copper. Even cream-colored British Shorthair cats with different coats can exhibit common colors like classic blue and lilac cats.

They are occasionally available for sale if you’re looking for a British Shorthair cat with orange eyes. Regarding lilac British Shorthairs, their eye color can vary too – from blue to other shades.

Colorpoint Shorthair Cat

Colorpoint Shorthair cats have beautiful blue eyes. They are often associated with the Siamese cat with blue eye color. 

The eye color of Colorpoint cats may change as they age. Factors like blue refraction, iris pigmentation, and breeding can determine the final eye color of these cats.

Himalayan Cat

Himalayan cats are a medium-sized cat sub-breed of long-haired cats. They are similar to Persians but with brilliant blue eyes and color point cats markings. Right from the time they open their little kitten eyes, Himalayan cat eyes shine bright blue.

As they age, their eye color may change to copper or green. The final eye color of a Himalayan cat is determined once they become adults.

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Ojos Azules Cat

The Ojos Azules cat is a special breed with beautiful dark blue eyes. Unlike other cats, the eye color of an Ojos Azules cat doesn’t depend on its coat color or pattern. The unique thing is that their blue eye color is due to the absence of melanin in their iris.

The Ojos Azules breed was discovered among feral cat populations in New Mexico, and it’s relatively new. This breed can have blue eyes without having a pointed coat or bicolor pattern.

Breeders achieved this by carefully breeding cats with unrelated genetics. They consistently produce offspring with the same striking blue eye color.

Persian Cat

Persian kittens are born with blue eyes, but their eye color changes when they reach 6 to 8 weeks old. As they grow, most Persian cats’ eye color changes from blue to green, copper, or shades of blue.

Their true eye color is usually fully developed when they are around 3 to 4 months old. If you have a Persian cat and notice its eyes changing colors as it grows, don’t worry! It’s completely normal and part of their beautiful transformation.

Ragdoll Cat

Ragdoll cats are known for their beautiful blue eyes. According to the International Cat Association (TICA), all Ragdolls have blue eyes, ranging in color from pale blue to deep navy.

If a Ragdoll cat has blue eyes on one side only, it may be deaf in the ear on that same side. Not all Ragdolls have blue eyes; some may have green or yellow eyes instead. You might even find a Ragdoll with two different eye colors in rare cases.

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kitten blue eyes

Siamese Cat

Siamese cats also have striking blue eyes. When Siamese kittens are born, their eyes are always blue. As they grow and develop, the color of their eyes changes from beautiful baby blues to darker shades. 

This change is determined by a specific gene unique to Siamese cats. As they mature, their eye color can range from deep copper brown to green or yellow. Not all Siamese cats will have blue eyes, as eye color can vary within the breed standard.

when do kittens eyes change
why do kittens have blue eyes


How Many Kittens Are Usually in a Litter?

Kittens are born in litter, and the number of kittens can vary. On average, a litter usually has around 4 to 6 kittens. This is just an average, and some cats may have a smaller or larger litter of kittens. The size of the litter can be influenced by the cat’s breed, age, health, and genetics. 

When Do Kittens Open Their Eyes?

Kittens open their eyes around the 2-16 days mark. Before that, their eyes are sealed shut, and they can’t see anything. It takes about a week or so for their eyes to open and become functional.

If you’re wondering when your adorable little furball will see the world, wait for 10 days!

What Is the Most Common Eye Color for Cats?

The most common eye color for cats is yellow or amber. Another common eye color for cats is hazel, a mix of brown and green. These colors are considered normal and are seen in a lot of cats.

Blue and orange/copper-colored eyes are less common in cats but can still be found. Just like humans, common cat eye colors can vary from one cat to another.

What Is the Rarest Eye Color for Cats?

The rarest eye color for cats is blue. Blue-eyed adult cats are not common and are considered quite rare. They are more frequently seen in white gene cats. The gene that causes blue eyes is often linked to coat color genes.

Siamese cats are blue-eyed adult cats, ranging from pale baby blue to vibrant sapphire shades. Another rarity is a condition called heterochromia iridium, which occurs when a cat has two eye colors.

Dichroic-colored eyes, where one eye has two distinct colors due to different melanin levels, are one of the rarest forms of eye colors.

Why Do Cat Eyes Glow?

Cat eyes glow because of a special part inside called the tapetum lucidum. This reflective structure helps cats see better in the dark by bouncing light back through their retinas.

That’s why their eyes glow green or yellow when you shine a light on them at night. It’s a natural adaptation that allows cats to hunt and find their way around in low-light conditions.

Are White Cats With Blue Eyes Deaf?

White cats with blue eyes have a higher likelihood of being deaf compared to other cats. Approximately 17 to 22 percent of white cats with non-blue eyes are born deaf. It increases to 40 percent if the white cat has one blue eye.

A shared gene in these cats is connected to inherited deafness. Breeding studies say this gene responsible for deafness in white cats with blue eyes is autosomal dominant. It means it can be passed down from generation to generation.

Why Do Cat Eyes Dilate?

Cat eyes dilate for various reasons. One common reason is in response to different emotions and situations. For example, when a cat is feeling threatened or ready to pounce on its prey, the pupils may dilate. It is to enhance their vision and focus.

When a cat is angry or agitated, their pupils can dilate as part of their instinctive response. Another reason for dilation is stress, which can cause a cat’s pupils to enlarge.

Certain medical conditions or injuries can also lead to pupil dilation in cats. Pay attention to changes in your cat’s pupil size, which could indicate an underlying health issue.

Why Are Cat Eyes Slit?

Cat eyes are usually slit-shaped because of their unique anatomy. The vertical shape helps cats regulate the amount of light that enters their eyes. When a cat is content and relaxed, its pupils become narrow slits. This indicates that the cat is in a calm state. When a cat is excited or ready to pounce, its pupils dilate to let in more light.

How Do You Clean Cat Eyes?

You can use a damp cloth or cotton ball to clean your cat’s eyes. Gently wipe away any discharge accumulated in the corners of their eyes. Be careful not to touch the eyeball itself.

If your cat’s eyes are particularly dirty or crusty, use a special eye-cleaning solution recommended by your veterinarian. Regularly cleaning your cat’s eyes can prevent any form of eye infection and keep their eyes healthy. Pay attention for health issues associated with eye colors. 

Are All Kittens Born With Blue Eyes?

All kittens are born with blue eyes. It’s a natural part of their development. As they grow older, the color of their eyes will start to change. This is because of a layer of melanin, a pigment responsible for eye color. 

What Does It Mean by Odd-Eyed Cats?

If a cat has odd-colored eyes, they have different-colored eyes. This genetic anomaly is called heterochromia. For example, one eye may be blue while the other is green or yellow.

The odd-eyed cats can change eye color over time, transitioning from blue to green to yellow. Cats with different colored eyes are sometimes deaf in the ear canal on the same side as the blue eye. Heterochromia varies in prevalence among recognizable cat breeds.

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